unique gift ideas

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Results 41-50 from 1,250 articles

Graduation Gift Ideas

M.H. asks from Boise

Hi Moms, I am in need of inexpensive gift ideas for both high school and college graduations. I appreciate any all ideas.


Unique Ideas for BIG Event?

3.D. asks from Portland

Hi ladies! I'm new to this site, but have lots of fellow mommies who give it kudos! We've all been to the "company picnic" standard BBQ event. I want to host a tha...


Need Coaches Gift Ideas

K.M. asks from Austin

I am the team mom for my daughter's softball team and need some inexpensive coaches' gift ideas. We have four men that have coached so I can't spend much. Any ideas?


Looking for Teacher Gift Ideas

C.S. asks from Wichita Falls

The school year will be ending in May, and I'm looking for end-of-year gift ideas for my daughter's two preschool teachers. I don't want to spend more than $10-15 on...


Need Ideas for an Anniversary Gift

S.B. asks from Dallas

Hello. Since everyone on here has such great ideas, I thought I would ask....Our 7 year anniversary is this Friday, Nov. 9th and I was wondering if anyone had any ide...


Baby Shower Gift Ideas

K.A. asks from Medford

I have a friend that is having a baby shower and am looking for some ideas from everyone... I would like to know some ideas from everyone about the best, most useful ...


Gift Ideas

L.B. asks from Dallas

Anyone have ideas for small, inexpensive gifts for teachers and coaches? I'm not afraid to bake or make something, but am out of ideas that are original and have a v...


Gift Ideas for Preschool Teacher

S.A. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have any ideas for a Christmas gift for my son's preschool teacher? I would prefer to buy a gift, but will do a gift card if I can't find a suitable pres...


Need Unique Party Favor Ideas

K.W. asks from Washington DC

I will be having a b-day party for my soon-to-be 3 year old son in a few weeks. The party will be at a "jump-n-bounce" place and I want to give a unique party favor t...


Need Ideas for Hostess Gift

S.T. asks from Dallas

We're attending a party at a friend's house. She doesn't want anyone to bring a dish or beverage. Therefore, I would like to bring her and her husband a gift. Any ...

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Answer Highlights

  • former high school teacher in 2 answers "I am a former high school teacher, and I have to say that these days, at least in ..."
  • blockbuster gift card in 2 answers "a soda or juice, a packet of microwave popcorn, and a $5 blockbuster gift card."
  • gift card or money in 3 answers "A college grad will probably appreciate a gift card or money the most."
  • knick knacks in 2 answers "The teachers really appreciate it because it alleviates all those knick knacks and ..."
  • coffee mugs in 4 answers "I can't even tell you how many coffee mugs,ornaments,and trinkets we're acquired over ..."