tween anxiety

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Results 81-90 from 121 articles

Kindergartener Not Wanting to Go to School!

M.A. asks from Chicago

My 5-year-old daughter has been going to Kindergarten all school year. There was a little resistance for the first week or so. But, recently, (for the past month or...


Bully Invited to Sleepover Party--should We Go?

C.M. asks from Chicago

Last year my daughter went to a sleepover party at a good friend's house. She invited a girl, we'll call her "Jane." Jane and my daughter's friend go to the same scho...


DH Mad at Me for Coddling Our Children

A.D. asks from Minneapolis

My DH thinks I coddle our girls, ages 11 and 14. I'm not perfect, I'm sure I don't always make the right choice. I am totally willing to hear his point of view, thoug...


Is It Normal to Fight About the Kids?

M. asks from Dallas

My husband and I really never fight. But over the last two weeks it seems like it has been non-stop and it mostly revolves around our 6 year old's behavior. I feel li...


Moving to a New State with a 12 Year Old

K.V. asks from Seattle

Our family is moving to a new state next year ( job) we have lived in the same town/neighborhood since both my girls were born. They are now 10 and 12. My ten year ol...


My 11 YO Is Quitting Football. to Let or Not to Let?

K.B. asks from Los Angeles

I have an athletic 11 year old boy who wanted to play football. So we forked over the 300+ dollars to do that. Now, 2 weeks in, he is having a bad couple of days, sle...


Buddies at School Now Conflict

S.J. asks from Des Moines

My middle school daughter has been having one problem after another with a 3 friend drama. These girls have done everything together over the summer and school year....


My 10 Year Old Bully

J.C. asks from Seattle

I need options.I have a 10 year old that has become a bully at school. I am lost.


Asking a Question to Mothers of Only Boys

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

Hello, I am a mother of two wonderful boys who are the loves of my life. We have tried for a third for a while with no luck. We are considering adoption, but they ...


Low Self My!

V.P. asks from Dallas

Help! I'm really lost and confused in understanding where my son of 7 picked up such a low self esteem. I have three boys and he is the middle child. He is much small...

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Answer Highlights

  • made a commitment to the team in 2 answers "... would never let my daughter quit a team sport. She made a commitment to the team ..."
  • school social worker in 3 answers "Check into your resources (school social worker, pediatrician, etc) to help you, your ..."
  • self esteem issues in 2 answers "I have seen so many boys come to the school with self esteem issues and really develop ..."
  • always wanted a little girl in 2 answers "my aunt had a son and always wanted a little girl."
  • when things get tough in 2 answers "... belt) We talked about committment with her and giving up when things get tough ..."