tutoring rates per hour

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Results 11-20 from 43 articles

Teen Music Tutor. Pay as Much as Professional Musician/teacher?

K.B. asks from Tulsa

We were given the name of a high school student who can tutor my d on her instrument. The adult who found her thinks I should pay her what a professional charges, bu...



Y.F. asks from Orlando

What is the normal going rate for babysitting? I have 2 kids 8 and 3. I just want to go out on the town every once in a while with my husband without braking the ba...


I How to Say This?

E.V. asks from Phoenix

I will teach my native language to an American girl. I am ready with my lesson, but I am not ready about one thing. HOW to and WHEN to talk about fee per hour? Th...


In Home Tutors with a Teaching Background

M.R. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I'm considering having a tutor come to my home a couple times per week to teach my daughter, who is 5, Spanish. This person would need to have a teaching...


Kindergarten Style Opinions

A.J. asks from Williamsport

Ok, I'm putting question back since I'm getting great answers. Recap, we are trying to homeschool my oldest for kindergarten with international friend's kids' curr...


How Much Would You Pay a Tutor?

J.J. asks from Pittsburgh

I want to hire a girl for the summer that just graduated with her masters to tutor my son over the summer. I only want her to work with him for maybe 2 half hour se...


How Much to Pay College Student to Tutor 2Nd Grader?

S.M. asks from Chicago

Hi all. My daughter struggled with Math (Everyday Mathematics program) this year (2nd grade) and it is highly recommended she be tutored over the summer. I have a ne...


How Much to Pay a Friend's Daughter to Help My Daughter with Geometry?

C.R. asks from Kansas City

My daughter is needing help with Geometry, and my friend's older daughter is willing to help her. I feel I should compensate her for her time, but I'm unsure how much...


Kumon vs the Other Math Lerning Centers.

R.R. asks from Dallas

My 7 year old took the math test at Kumon, but I am not sure if we are taking a good decision to enroll him or not. Any other good suggestions from your experieced.


How Much Are You Paying for a Tutor?

K.P. asks from Philadelphia

I'm just curious. Has anyone ever used a reading tutor for their child? How young did you start? How much were you willing to pay? Where did you look or how did you f...

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Answer Highlights

  • dollars 15 per session in 2 answers "He went 3x/week for half hour sessions and the fee was $15 per session; the tutor ..."
  • teaching basic math in 2 answers "I have to agree with Frances that teaching basic math is much different than finance ..."
  • life long learners in 2 answers "Do you want kids to be life-long learners?"
  • dollars 10 an hour in 5 answers "You people who are paying a teenager $10 an hour are getting RIPPED OFF!!! They're ..."
  • ask what they charge in 2 answers "I would call a few tutors and ask what they charge, or do some research online, here ..."