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Pregnant Again and Not Sure What to Do!!!

J.C. asks from Dallas

Hi, I have little boy who just turned one and I just discovered I'm pregnant...AGAIN. I don't know whether to be overjoyed or scared to death. This was not planned an...


Pregnant and Terrified!

R.M. asks from Los Angeles

After MUCH thought, including being 24 hours away from a vasectomy and re-scheduling, my husband and I decided to try for baby #3. I just felt that someone was "miss...


Teen Pregnant

M.G. asks from Houston

Need advice my daugther in Dec. tryed to commit suicide she took 15 tylenols and cryed out to ex who rushed her to the hospital. so she was alert when they told her e...


Pregnant and Have Issues

C.O. asks from Medford

Hello, Im new to the forum. Im 42 yrs old and 7 weeks pregnant and I have some issues. I dont mean to offend anyone in here, I am looking for advice & support but rea...


How Do I Get My Husband to Accept the Fact That I Might Be Pregnant

J.T. asks from Topeka

I have been married for 4 years and have 2 children, ages 5 and 20 months. i recently told my husband that i think i might be pregnant again and he doesnt seem to h...


Having Trouble Getting Pregnant

J.C. asks from Dayton

I need advice on getting pregnant


What to Do Before You Get Pregnat

C.M. asks from Birmingham

My husband and I were going to try to get pregnant a year ago but I found out I had a thyroid problem and needed to start taking meds. But just found out yesterday th...


Not Sure How to Get Pregnant

K.L. asks from Binghamton

i was told that i would never have children and i have been blessed with three beautiful kids. but i just feel in my heart that I should have another son. It just f...


Wanting to Get Pregnant

L. asks from Longview

Hi, my name is L. and i am 25 years old. My husband and i have been married a little over 2 years and have been trying to have a child for 2 months now, with no luck...


Use of Acne Meds When You Are Pregnant....

A.S. asks from Dallas

Does any know if you can use Differin Gel or Retna A Micro while you are pregnant??

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