teething in toddlers

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Teething Seven Month Old Getting Sick

M.A. asks from Miami

Hello parents. My seven month old daughter just got really sick- fever, runny nose,coughing. Some people are telling me it's from teething. Should I give her baby tyl...


Teething or Attention?

N.L. asks from Flagstaff

My 16 mos old has just started acting out in the past two days (literally overnight) and I think it's her molars coming in, as her gums are bothering her. And of cou...


Teething and Not Eating

D.W. asks from Madison

My 10 1/2 month old is just getting his first teeth. I'm wondering if it is normal for him to not want to eat or take a bottle. As soon as we sit him down to eat he...


Teething Bisquits -

D.O. asks from Raleigh

any recipes or ideas to make something for 6 - 9 mo old?


10 Month Old Not Eating... Teething

J. asks from Dallas

I have a 10 month old son (who will be 11 months soon) who's teething and will NOT eat and barely takes a bottle. I can see where his 2 upper teeth are trying to pok...


Teething Bisquits for 9 Mo W/3 Teeth

M.V. asks from Los Angeles

So, my son, now 9 monthes old, has 2 teeth in front on the bottom and 1 on top in the middle. He's very interested in food. He likes a variety of veggies and some fru...


Teething 7 Month Old Won't Take pacifier...other Ways to Soothe?

S.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms! My 7 month old baby girl is teething and will not take a pacifier. My older girls, now 3 and 22 months both took binkys and although some nights of teet...


Could My 3 1/2 Month Old Be Teething? Frustrated by Toys.

C.B. asks from San Francisco

Hi - My son is 3 1/2 months old. I think he may be teething, but I can't tell for sure. He starts crying soon after I give him any kind of toy, and it seems to be b...


Toddlers Second Molars

S.F. asks from Utica

My daughter is 28 months and she just started to get her second set of moloars maybe last week. I had read somewhere that all the baby teeth should be in by 30 month...


Do Toddlers Teeth? at 2 Yrs 4 Mos?

J.R. asks from Miami

Hi Mammas, OK. Probably a no brainer for most of you... but my 2 yr old 4mos. son has been drooling for 2 months like in the good ole days when he was teething. He a...

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Answer Highlights

  • hylands teething tablets in 2 answers "Definately try Hylands teething tablets, they work great!"
  • his burp cloths in 2 answers "Hi C., The only item my son would chew on while teething were his burp cloths, which ..."
  • 2 year molars in 4 answers "Its his 2 year molars coming in."
  • earths best in 3 answers "I prefer the Earth's Best because most of the other brands are just enriched flour ..."
  • teething tablets in 3 answers "I used the teething tablets, you can gt them at any store like Walgreens or a grocery ..."