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Results 41-50 from 839 articles

Arbonne for Eczema?

S.B. asks from Dallas

Hey Mamas- This is sort-of in response to an earlier post regarding severe eczema. I tried many of the things on the other post, but have not tried the Arbonne Ba...


Birthday Day Gifts for a Not So Ordinary 3 Yr Old

J.S. asks from Dayton

Hi Moms out there. I really need your help right now. My daughter will be turning 3 next month and I have no idea what to get her. She is not your ordinary child. I h...


Do You Clear and Load as You Go, or Do You Pile up and Load?

M.R. asks from Chicago

Do you clear your dishwasher first thing every morning, and load dirty dishes as you go through the day? Or, do you place dirty dishes in the sink, and load the dishw...


Daughter Leaving for Boot Camp - ETA Added :)

L.H. asks from Abilene

Good Morning All, My sweet daughter leaves Monday for boot camp. I support her 100% in her decision to serve in our military. I am proud of her and know she will...


Calling All Insomniacs....

C.C. asks from Salt Lake City

anybody else have chronic insomnia? I've been on so many meds and nothing works for very long...the longest was 4 months...Tamazapam...but now that one isn't working ...


Feedback Wanted - Too Many Parties for the Engaged Couple or Just Right?

J.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas! I could really use your feedback! My BF is getting married this year. Some close friends threw them an engagement party last Spring. Then in the fall, t...


Two Question: Casual Dinnerware and China Ware

T.B. asks from Miami

Come this May, I will be married for 19 years. We've had the same casual dinnerware (Corelle ~a pattern that is discontinued) and over the years we've lost a few pie...


Using Domperidone to Increase Milk Supply

S.W. asks from San Francisco

I'm a first-time mom looking for any advice/feedback from other moms who have used themselves or have a friend who has used Domperidone to increase their milk supply....


Possible BV Is There a Natural Way to Cure It ??

A.C. asks from Buffalo

Well I was very sick for about a week and they put me on two sets of antibiotics ( amoxocilin and biaxin and I think this may have caused a imbalance in the bacteria ...


No Milk in the Sippy Cup

H.O. asks from Miami

My 12 month old daughter will drink water perfectly out of a sippy cup. When I give her milk in the sippy cup she takes one little sip just to taste it and then she s...

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Answer Highlights

  • 45 day money back guarantee in 2 answers "... if it will work or not (although Arbonne does have a 45-day money-back guarantee ..."
  • use your fine china in 2 answers "I think you should keep it and use your fine china....maybe for Sunday dinners or ..."
  • use steroid creams in 2 answers "... up beautifully to the point where they no longer had to use steroid creams."
  • pots and pans in 3 answers "It is also much easier since there are very few dishes to do. Only pots and pans and ..."
  • cold turkey on the formula in 2 answers "I would suggest spending two days going cold-turkey on the formula and all bottle ..."