small business start up

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Results 51-60 from 9,557 articles

Help with Naming a New Business

P.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hey all you fantastic moms out there............a friend of mine is starting a new business working with new borns and infants who are showing some delays. She is hav...


I Am Starting a New Business for Myself.

M.L. asks from Las Vegas

I am starting a new business in house cleaning. If anyone has advice please feel free to give it.


Advice on Opening a New Business

K.S. asks from Dallas

I have recently gotten hooked on baking and am considering opening a bakery in my town. Does anyone have any idea of the start up cost of opening a new business. An...


Getting a Little Business Going

P.L. asks from Chicago

I started making soaps,body butters,scrubs, heating pillows and what not.I do gift baskets,etc.I'm in the middle of getting liability insurance and was trying to read...


Places to Post Business Cards??

K.G. asks from Dallas

Hello Mompreneurs. Business is great for me, and I want to keep the momentum going!! Does anyone know places where I can post my business cards/fliers. (Examples: com...


Looking for Ways to Get Home Business Start-up Money

S.T. asks from Provo

As I have been gathering together food storage and 72 hour kits for my family, I came up with what I think is a great idea for a home-based business. I am still work...


"Seeking Creative Suggestions from Moms for a Start up Business Name"

K.Y. asks from St. Louis

Hello. I'm starting up a small business specializing in custom paintings/murals for children's rooms (nursery, bedrooms, bathrooms & playrooms). This is something I...


How to Market My Credit Repair Business

J.M. asks from Dallas

Hello momma's out there. My name is Jessica and I am a stay at home mom. I have opened up my own credit repair company and started my business. I was wondering if you...


Starting a Business Questions

S.C. asks from Chicago

Seeking some advice. Brother is a DJ and was wondering how to go about starting a small dj business. If anyone has any advice on what he needs to do and where to go t...


Help with Business Name

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

After having a baking obsession for over 2 years, I've decided to officially start an in home business, and I am going to work on creating a website as well. One day ...

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Answer Highlights

  • love two parts sugar in 2 answers "I love Two Parts Sugar! Good Luck!"
  • like two parts sugar in 2 answers "I like Two Parts Sugar. You can add detail about what you specialize in in a tag line ..."
  • sweet spot sounds in 3 answers "I like H.'s Sweet Spot sounds funny and racy at the same time."
  • when youre not a rookie in 2 answers "I also say why not say CupcakeRookie? even when you're not a rookie it's still a cute ..."
  • cupcake rookie in 2 answers "... Love it!! The only one you mentioned that I don't care for is cupcake rookie ..."