shower curtain rod

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Help Me Make a College Shopping List!

J.C. asks from Rockford

Well, my son has decided on a college, so now we have to get prepared. I'm getting kind of overwhelmed trying to think of all the things he is going to need when he l...


What Would You Do If Your Five Year Old...

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Jff: Money Saving Tricks in Your Home

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How Many Diaper Covers Do I Need?

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2.5 Year Old Keeps Escaping the House

L.L. asks from Hartford

My DD/escape artist now loves to leave the house, run around it and ring the doorbell. Usually I see her attempt to do this but this past week I had a monster migrai...


12Th Birthday Party for Girl

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My cousin is turning 12 in a couple of weeks. She wants something cool to do with her friends and not real expensive. She has this idea of having a theme somehow inco...


Taking a Baby on a Cruise - Yikes!

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New Breastfeeding Mom Going Back to Work

M.K. asks from Salt Lake City

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My House Is a Mess!

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Laundry Questions

T.W. asks from Houston

I have recently started working PT and volunteering more, and the laundry is just growing by heaps and bounds. Here is my question: how many times do you use a towel ...

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  • your boss or human resources department in 2 answers "I encourage you to speak with your boss or human resources department."
  • install a dead bolt in 2 answers "Also, for the door to the house, install a dead bolt, maybe up high also, and she ..."
  • dont buy paper towels in 2 answers "I don't buy paper towels. I have hand towels a wash clothes."
  • reuse dryer sheets in 2 answers "... thing is going to clean my clothes and diapers). I don't reuse dryer sheets ..."
  • la leche league in 2 answers "I do recommend contacting La Leche League (you can find the local contacts for your ..."