probate court

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Need Help Figuring Out Where to Put 6 Yr. Olds Money

D.K. asks from Detroit

Hi ladies. My son just turned 6 this June. He recently won a settlement of $12,000. The courts say it needs to go into a restricted account until he turns 18. The...



K.M. asks from Indianapolis

if i didnt want to put the actul father on my child's birth certificat and i want to put his basicly dad ( my feonsay) on there ,can i ? and how would i do that if i ...


Child Last Name Change, Need Help!!!

C.M. asks from Grand Rapids

I have a daughter who was born out of wedlock. I met my husband when she was 3 mo old and we now have a daughter together. My oldest is starting school and I want her...


Help with Trust Question

G.B. asks from Boise

A year ago pop passed away . There is a trust. The trust said to split the assets/estate 6 ways equally. There has been absolutely no, NO disclosure from sibling(tr...


So What Happens to the House?

C.A. asks from Atlanta

My husband and I have been married for 15 years come September. We have lived in our current house for 5 years. However when we qualified for the loan it actually hur...


Step Father Adopting

B.K. asks from Phoenix

I've been with my husband for about 7 years I have an 8year old who knows nothing about how his bio father due to me not knowing who his father is? So my question is ...


Wanting to Change Daughters Last Name.

A.C. asks from Toledo

I was just wondering if any of you have went through changing a last name before. My daughter has her dads last name but wow was that a big mistake on my part. He doe...


Regaining Back Custody of Child After Giving Someone Temporary Guardianship

R.J. asks from Las Vegas

6 years ago I was not a stable person. I sent my oldest child to my mother who lives in GA and we signed temporary guardianship papers. Well its been a constant str...


Looking for Cheap Will

J.S. asks from Dallas

We just had our first baby and trying to figure out about writing a "Will". We have heard we can have a lawyer write one up for about $700, but all we really want is...


Needing Advice on How to Handle Siblings Who Were Not in Father's Will

J.B. asks from Dallas

I am having alot of issue's with my sibling.My father commited suicide april 24th of this year, me and him were really close I looked after him after him and mother d...

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