probate court

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Results 51-60 from 94 articles

Marrying in June and Children What to Change Their Name Too...

C.M. asks from Providence

I have two children, 6 and 9, who want to have their name changed too when I get married in June. They haven't seen their father in over two years. He still pays ch...


Do You Have a Written Will?

N.M. asks from Los Angeles

I don't, but am thinking of getting one this year. How many have their family Wills written up? What about a Living Will? (A living Will is written up for medi...


Who to Call for Gov't Subsidized Housing?

D.B. asks from Minneapolis

A local family recently lost a parent. There are still high school children in the house. The stepparent moved in with a new lover, was charging the adult and highs...


Divorce Question

C.B. asks from Kansas City

so, say i have figured out that a divorce is necessary. what next? i don't have any money but we do have a place to go....our "life" won't be too difficult to sort ou...


My Fiance Wants to Adopt My Daughter When We Get Married What Are the Laws?

L.B. asks from Atlanta

I am originally from Oklahoma City but live in Atlanta Georgia. My fiancé wants to adopt my daughter when we get married. her biological father has never been in her...


Wills and Last Testament

S.T. asks from Kansas City

Ok we are in the process of preparing our wills and last testaments I'm wondering if anybody out there has done there own and just had it notarized or if you really h...


Can Anyone Help with What You Can Legally Set up in Will

C.E. asks from St. Louis

The situation is that I have a 6 month old baby girl and I have not spoke to her "father" since I was about 4 months pregnant he decided that he didn't want a child a...


Family Law Question (Funeral Rights)

O.M. asks from Dallas

My dad passed Monday. My mom who is legally still married to him, was grated power of attorney while he was in the hospital due to his inability to make decisions be...


Online Will Program

R.M. asks from Los Angeles

Has anyone ever used an online will program? I am looking for experience and or reccomendations. Thanks!


Making a Will

A.D. asks from South Bend

Hi Moms. Now that we have a child, my husband & I would like to make a Will just in case anything ever happened to the 2 of us, our son would be taken care of. I re...

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