pregnancy gift

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Results 61-70 from 3,220 articles

Anouncing Pregnancy After Miscarriage?

R.C. asks from Rockford

I just recently had a miscarriage in Feb of this year. Amazingly we are already pregnant again! We are having our parents over for a Memorial Day cookout and are tryi...


What Is the Most Interesting Gift You've Received?

S.H. asks from Spokane

The Valentine questions has got me remembering past celebrations and gifts. I was just wondering (for fun:) what some of the most interesting, weird, off the wall, s...


Baby Shower for 2Nd Pregnancy???

C.B. asks from Columbus

My sister in law threw a baby shower for me for my first pregnancy, now she offered to give me another. Is it okay to have a shower for the second baby? I was not sma...


Light Reading on Pregnancy Test!!

M.L. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies, I recently took a Pregnancy test...I am late on my period and I ended up getting sick with a cold or something like that. I mean I had a sore Throat...


Miscarriage, Memorial Gift

T. asks from Allentown

I wanted to know how you all feel about the idea of giving a memorial gift to a friend that just had a miscarriage. I was thinking of a silver cross with the baby's i...


Big Brother Gift Ideas

A.Z. asks from Columbus

I'm looking for input on a big brother gift for my 2 1/2 yo son when his sibling arrives next month. My husband doesn't think it's necessary for us to get him someth...


Best Gift for Mom of Preemie?

E.G. asks from Boston

I have a coworker who just gave birth to a premature girl. I think she weighs about 3lbs at this point. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good baby gift? I find tha...


When to Spill the Beans About Pregnancy?!?

J.G. asks from Rapid City

I am 7 weeks pregnant... feeling all the symptoms & I'm having a hard time not telling anyone. My first doctors appointment is June 10 & I'm trying to wait until then...


I Really Hate Pregnancy. Is This Normal?

A.L. asks from Salt Lake City

I really don't enjoy pregnancy. I've had two boys and I'm seriously considering being done. I feel like I'm no use to the world when I'm pregnant. I have a very high ...


Unplanned Pregnancy - How to Tell Husband

J.H. asks from Houston

I have two sons (2 1/2 years and 14 months), which is wonderful but also a lot of work as my husband and I both work full time. I think I may be pregnant again. I'm...

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Answer Highlights

  • cabbage patch dolls in 2 answers "This is a little funny, but look at the Cabbage Patch Dolls outfits."
  • pregnancy changes your body in 2 answers "Pregnancy changes your body chemistry is many ways."
  • alot of money on takeout in 2 answers "... time in the hospital, had no time to cook, and spent alot of money on takeout."
  • gift cards for gas in 2 answers "The best gifts I received where gift cards for gas (for travel to and from the hospital ..."
  • wait until 12 weeks in 2 answers "I strongly suggest that you wait until 12 weeks, no matter how hard it is to lie/say ..."