poop talk

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Results 41-50 from 5,122 articles

Abnormal Poop and Teething?

K.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, mommas My 16 month old daughter has had some abnormal poop patterns this week. Off and on she has had what the day care provider calls "liquid poop". She ...


My 14 Month Old Can't Poop

C.J. asks from Orlando

I have an almost 15month old son who has the hardest time pooping. If we are lucky, he poops maybe 2 or 3 times a week which seems like too far between. Also, when ...


Poop in Potty - What Worked for You??

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

My 3.5 year old son pee-trained in a day and has been in underwear for close to a year now with no accidents. But he will not (or cannot) poop in the potty. He sits...


Toddler Refuses to Poop in Toilet....

L.D. asks from Modesto

My almost 4 yr. old son has accomplished potty training regarding pee pee. He absolutely refuses to poop in the potty. He puts on a diaper to poop. He never has an ac...


Worried About 5Yr Old's Poop

C.S. asks from Chicago

Hello Mamas! First, let me apologize if I get graphic in my question. My 5yr daughter's poop has been olive green in color for the past few days. When she was potty t...


When Should My Son Be Able to Poop in the Toilet?

K.L. asks from Washington DC

My son is 3 and 3/4 years old and has been day-potty trained for almost a year, meaning he wears underwear all day and he doesn't have accidents. However, he will NO...


How to Deal with "Potty Talk"

N.Z. asks from Los Angeles

My 5 year old has been engaging in silly, but excessive potty talk (poop, pee, etc.) and now she's getting my 2.5 year old into it. So far, I've told her that she is...


Toddler Suddenly Having Poop Issues

J.A. asks from Oklahoma City

My 2.5 year old daughter has always been very consistent with her bowel movements, going once a day about the same time each morning. Then one day she did not go, tu...


Potty Training...Poop

L.F. asks from San Diego

My 3 year old has been using the potty to pee for over 6 months now. He will not put his poop in the potty. He says it is "too scary." I feel like I have tried eve...


Holding, Holding, Holding the Poop

J.H. asks from Washington DC

Hey Moms Out There~ I've got a toddler (2 and 1/2) that is holding his poop for days on end. He's been on Miralax (Dr recommended) for almost 2 months now. It ...

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Answer Highlights

  • teaspoon of karo syrup in 2 answers "I've often heard of parents using a teaspoon of Karo Syrup in their child's milk about ..."
  • then cut a hole in the diaper in 2 answers "... and slowly work your way up to sitting on toilet. Then cut a hole in the diaper ..."
  • cutting a hole in the pull in 2 answers "I also like the suggestion of cutting a hole in the pull-ups when you are transitioning."
  • control over his body in 2 answers "... I thought he could do it when he is ready and that he has control over his body ..."
  • different set of muscles in 2 answers "... while standing is different than when sitting down. Different set of muscles ..."