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Results 61-70 from 2,352 articles

Irritated with Day Care

M.S. asks from Minneapolis

So my daughter goes to preschool/day care three times a week. Recently a new director came on board. Today she sends out an email with a "shoe policy" specifying th...


Child Being Moved from Kindergarten to a Pre-k Program

K.H. asks from San Diego

Hi~ My son is 5 years old and has been in kindergarten since the beginning of the school year. He is doing very well socially but not doing so well academically. I...


It's Time to Wean and I Need Some Advice...

J.D. asks from Los Angeles

My son will be 1 in a couple weeks and I wanted to have him weaned by then. If it takes a bit longer, I am okay with that but want to get the ball rolling. He mainly ...


My Son Will Be 2 in July and He Isn't Talking That Much...

J.K. asks from Orlando

My son will be two on July 11th and he isn't really talking that much yet. He knows what things are but he just won't say the words. We read to him and play with hi...


Enforcing School Punishment at Home

H.J. asks from Lexington

My question to all you mommies is: What do you do when your child misbehaves at school? My son just started kindergarten and he is a good kid who made a poor choi...


Kids Being Kids

E.R. asks from Indianapolis

my cousin is always complaining to me about "kids being mean and bullies". to her, just because one of the kids doesnt want to play with one of her "darlings" at rece...


Discipline and Rules for a 1 Year Old

J.A. asks from Charlotte

I have 18 month old, extremely active little boy. He's been walking since the end of his 9th month and climbing, climbing, climbing everything in sight. He knows how ...


Unfounded Claims Against My Child

K.B. asks from Austin

My kindergartener is very sensitive and has a hard time finding friends interested in similar things (writing books, high-level crafts, imaginary play all at extremel...


Switching Preschools

A.W. asks from San Diego

My daughter has been attending a great preschool 3 days a week for the last 1.5 years. She will be 4 in the fall. She loves going to school, the teachers and all he...


Preschool Time

E.C. asks from Madison

Hello, I have been looking for a preschool for my daughter now for a few months and I am having a hard time making a decision on one. I am looking to spend around $2...

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Answer Highlights

  • bullying by exclusion in 4 answers "... class against this girl." Let's not take the phrase "bullying by exclusion""
  • parents send their kids in shoes in 2 answers "I fully agree with a shoe policy. Parents send their kids in shoes that are appropriate ..."
  • open toed sandals in 2 answers "... or elementary school wearing totally ridiculous footwear - open-toed sandals ..."
  • wear tennis shoes in 3 answers "Just have your daughter wear tennis shoes to daycare."
  • can not get a restraining order in 2 answers "Whoa...calm down mama. You can not get a restraining order, for something so minor."