playground learning

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Results 51-60 from 2,352 articles

!Avoiding Bad Friends Who Frequent the Same Places as You?

S.P. asks from New York

Does anyone know how to avoid a bad friend that goes to the same playground as your child everyday? This is a public playground that is on our school grounds -- a lo...


17 Month Old Hitting Other Children

K.C. asks from Johnstown

Hello everyone I am hoping for some good advice. We have a 17 mo. old who has recently started to hit everyone. At home its not so bad he does it sometimes but if ...


Need Help Teaching Typing

A.S. asks from Orlando

My 7 yr old needs to start learning how to type (I know it is young compared to when we learned.) My son is having to do some of his homework on the computer and I w...


Solitary Son

M.S. asks from San Francisco

my son is in 4th grade at a very small public school. At school recess, he often plays alone and feels like the other kids would not let him play if he asked them to...


Birthday Party Location

K.W. asks from Cleveland

Does anyone know of a good place for a birthday party for a 2 year old? As of now, I have a party reserved at Playground World, but the only time available is not on...


Being Six Is Hard Isn't It?

M.P. asks from Grand Forks

Hi y'all! My little one started first grade this year...which of course is real school, learning and improving on reading, losing teeth, tying shoes, etc....wearing *...


**Revised** Looking to Buy a Swing set...Help!!!

A.V. asks from Detroit

I am looking buy a swing set for my 9 month old. I do not have a tree to hang a baby swing and ther are NO baby swing at the parks near me. The closest that I have ...


Social Interactions Amongst 3 Year Olds

J.S. asks from New York

I have a generally happy and very friendly child. My 3 year old daughter will start talking to people in restaurants, in the street and greets the children in her nur...


SAHM / Wahms: When Do You Send Your Child to Daycare?

R.M. asks from Tucson

Hi, I work from home, so my 26 month old has been with me (and my husband), or with my M. at all times. She has never been in a situation where one of us was not aro...


Are Kids Just Mean?

W.R. asks from Norfolk

On Saturday we were invited to a picnic. We took our 14-month old. Another little girl there - about 2 - started shoving her. My daughter tried to run away, and sh...

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