plan b

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Results 61-70 from 13,978 articles

Treadmill Game Plan

C.B. asks from Kansas City

hi mamas! so i am so very blessed, that at my work, they have hired a "health coach" for us for the next 12 months. YAAAAY!! and i am even luckier - i asked around (b...


Plan Doesn't develop.....moving On

M.H. asks from Madison

Hi Mamas, Does it bother you when someone talks about plans with you and then the plans never come to fruition? And how do you move on when it falls through - espe...


Advise for 7 Year Old B-day Party!!

M.M. asks from Dallas

I am having my daughters B-day party at the house this year. We've always done them at places so this is the first time at the house! I thought we would set up "stat...


1St B-day Party & Opening Gifts

K.B. asks from Chicago

We are having my sons 1st b-day party away from the house in 2 weeks. We are having well over 100 people, which is why I decided to have it elsewhere! My question i...


Seeking Ideas for a 13 Yr Old Boy B-day Party

K.A. asks from Houston

I am seeking ideas for a 13 yr old Boy b-day party !! All suggestions are welcome:)


Lesson Plan Ideas

E.M. asks from Louisville

Im currently finishing up my degree in early childhood and next friday i have to teach a lesson. it can be reading/writing or numbers.... i need to have some sort of ...


Not Sure When to Plan My Baby's Cesarean!

M.G. asks from San Antonio

My daughter will have just turned 2 years old and our new little one will be ready to come out. I had a cesarean with my daughter and my ob advised I have another one...


Help Me Plan My Anniversary!

B.V. asks from Dallas

My husband and I will celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary next week, and we alternate years of doing the planning. This year it's my turn! We used to go on out of...


Healthy Diet Plan

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hi I am trying to change my eating habits but I need help. I need to know how many calories, carbs, fats you are suppose to consume in a day. How many serving of frui...


1St B-day

K.B. asks from Dallas

I am throwing my son a 1st b-day party the first weekend of Oct. We will have mostly adults and some 1 year old babies but also a few older kids. I have already rente...

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