paper punch

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What to Do with Old Christmas Cards?

M.C. asks from Dallas

Okay, I can't ask this of people I personally know. What do you do with old Christmas cards? What do you do with Christmas cards that have photos? I'm talking about t...


Ask for Exchange on a SLIGHTLY Damaged Couch?

A.C. asks from Detroit

We just got our $2000 leather sofa delivered yesterday, and the leather is scraped off on a small part. It' s on the arm of the sofa (right about where your thumb wou...


Calling All You Yeast Bakers....

K.G. asks from Fort Wayne

Ok I am a pretty good baker when it comes to yeast dough, but for some reason I cannot master the pizza dough. I have tried at least six different recipes all are jus...


Crafty Moms Need Ides for Halloween Crafts for Kindergaten Class

P.P. asks from Dallas

Hi everyone, my daughter's kinder Halloween party is two weeks from today. I offered to make easy crafts for the children to make/finish. What are good ideas for Hal...


Inexpensive Advertising Methods...

J.M. asks from Dallas

I'm a portrait and event photographer. I started my business over a year ago, and it's slowly been building. I recently got a great new website, and new equipment...I...


What Craft Supplies Do You Keep on Hand for School Projects?

J.F. asks from Macon

My son is going into 2nd grade in the fall, and we're starting to have a lot more hands-on creative projects like dioramas, posters, and so forth. I thought it would ...


Need Ideas for a Halloween Party This Weekend - Help, the 12 Yr Olds Are Coming!

C.W. asks from Kansas City

My 12 yr old daughter is having a few other 7th graders over for a little "get together" or halloween party...we're not sure what we are calling it, but it's this Sat...


In over My Head, Need Advice from Seasoned Moms ;)

R.D. asks from Richmond

So YAY!! I put my foot down and beat the rest of my family to the punch and it's official: CHRISTMAS AT MY HOUSE!! My husband and I are really excited to NOT have to ...


Gift Prizes

R.C. asks from Bakersfield

So I am hosting my first baby shower for my bff next month. I need some help on what should the gift prizes be. We have this really cute ducky baby shower punch that ...


Need Ideas for an Arts & Crafts Busy Box - Household Stuff

A.M. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, I used to be a very crafty and creative person. Before I had my own kids, all other kids loved me. Moms wondered where I got my energy & ideas from. It a...

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Answer Highlights

  • green bean casserole in 2 answers "I usually will also serve mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole, cranberry sauce ..."
  • folding tables and chairs in 2 answers "Does anyone in the family have card tables or folding tables and chairs?"
  • 20 minutes per pound in 2 answers "Then you let it cook about 20 minutes per pound."
  • scavenger hunt in 4 answers "I love the outdoor scavenger hunt in the dark idea!"
  • loosely with foil in 2 answers "... it breast side down in some water and/or apple juice. Cover loosely with foil ..."