natural pregnancy

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Zofran or Natural Remedies for Morning Sickness?

B.K. asks from New York

I am newly pregnant and feel ill 24/7. My doctor prescribed me the generic zofran, but I did some research and dont know how safe it really is. Anyone have any experi...


Pregnancy and Migraines

R.S. asks from Mansfield

Hello everyone, I am 13 weeks pregnant with our second child and have been having horrible horrible migraines. Most lasting 2-3 days at a time. I was the same way w...


Percocet During Pregnancy

S.J. asks from Los Angeles

So I sprained my ankle on Friday and my doctor gave me Percocet to take (because I'm a big whimp when it comes to pain). They're the 7.5/500 kind. He said it's perfec...


About the Symptoms of Pregnancy

C.M. asks from Dallas

Well, my first daughter was a breeze during pregnancy. Shoot, I didn't even know I was prego till the 3rd month lol..but now I am at 10 weeks in this pregnancy and it...


Pregnancy and Thyroid

N.O. asks from Detroit

Hi ladies, Back in november I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I was 7 weeks pregnant with my second child when i found out. At almost my 11th week i found out...


Pregnancy Headaches

A.M. asks from New York

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with really really bad headaches during their pregnancy. I'm 16 weeks along with our second and I'm miserable! my fi...


Natural Miscarriage Versus D & C

D.J. asks from Amarillo

First of all, thank you for all the advice you have given me concerning my recent pregnancy complications. I am about 8 weeks along in a pregnancy that is not going ...


Advice on Pregnancy

L.S. asks from Norfolk

My husband and I just found out we will have to move for his job, but the time frame for when we move is up to us. Before finding this out, our plan was to start try...


Virus/Coughing In Pregnancy

C. asks from Charlotte

I am going on the 15th week of my first pregnancy and I have been sick with a cold/respiratory type virus now for a week. I went to the doctor yesterday, and of cour...


Pregnancy and Chiropractor

M.L. asks from Chicago

For the past 2 years, I've seen a chirpractor every week, simply for overall health. I am newly pregnant and am having second thoughts about continuing my adjustments...

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