natural pregnancy

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Results 71-80 from 8,471 articles

About Hospital and Obgy Practice for Natural Child Birth

I.R. asks from Washington DC

Hi! Thanks for your help with my last question. I am first time pregnant and I am 16 weeks now, and would like to take Bradley childbirth classes. I would like to h...


Pregnancy Heartburn

B.R. asks from York

I'm in my third trimester and having way more heartburn than I did with my last pregnancy. I get super-thirsty during the day and it seems like water not only doesn'...


Depression and Pregnancy

K.B. asks from Philadelphia

I am pregnant with my first baby and due in April. I have suffered from depression for many years and therefor have been taking medication for it. The medication ...


Nursing Through Pregnancy

A.G. asks from Minneapolis

I have decided to nurse my 14 month old through my pregnancy and I am wondering if other mothers have done the same, and what their expierence was like? I also would...


Seeking an OBGYN Who Believes in Natural Childbirth

N.D. asks from Dallas

Could you please recommend a female OBGY who would prefer a natural child birth. My cousin just had a baby and her Dr. Audrey Grahm who is in Dallas was great, she e...


Pregnancy and Anxiety

R.N. asks from Cleveland

Does anyone have any tactful way of telling an expecting mom not to worry so much about her pregnancy? My sister is in the very early weeks with her second. She is h...


Best Natural Stretch Mark Minimizing Cream?

L.C. asks from Detroit

I'm due in 3 weeks and have painful stretchmarks. I was told that I could start using Mustela cream now to minimize the stretchmarks and keep using it after pregnancy...


Nausetous/vomiting During Pregnancy

N.S. asks from Detroit

Hi Ladies, The age old question: What is your advice for getting through these early months of pregnancy? I had this with my 1st 2 babies (all 9months), but it se...


Pregnancy and Crying

D.S. asks from Myrtle Beach

I am 35. This is my third pregnancy and I feel like I am falling apart. I am very emotional. I feel like crying alot and I am tired alot. I know, everyone has sai...


Natural Childbirth at Las Colinas Medical?

E.K. asks from Dallas

Has anyone had a natural delivery (no pain meds, no elective interventions)at Las Colinas Medical Center? Were you happy with your experience, in particular with the ...

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league leader in 2 answers "I also recently became a La Leche League leader."
  • le leche league in 2 answers "also, find your local le leche league.. they will be able to help you ..."
  • braxton hicks contractions in 2 answers "I experienced the Braxton Hicks contractions (quite strongly at the end of the pregnancy ..."
  • nursed through 2 pregnancies in 2 answers "I nursed through 2 pregnancies. I nursed my 3 year old son while pregnant with my ..."
  • very high c section rate in 2 answers "... very famliar with the Dr's, but I do know they have a very high c-section rate."