medical coding online

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Results 21-30 from 77 articles

Work from Home

A.G. asks from Boca Raton

I need to bring in some extra income but I already work a full time day job and take care of my two kids in the evening and weekends. I was thinking that getting int...


Looking for a New Career

S. asks from St. Louis

I am looking to change my career. I HATE my job and ready to do something about it. My mom has offered to help me go back to school at night, weekends, online, or wha...


13 Yr Girl with Bad Eye Sight Needing Help with Organization in School.

C.B. asks from Billings

I have a 13 year old that has sever eye problems. Not blind, but each of her eyes works independently and it has caused her to have tunnel vision no peripheral visio...



C.F. asks from Dallas

Well Im looking into maybe becomming a medical transcriptionist. I have always worked in the medical field piror to having my child and figured this would be easy to ...


College Help

S. asks from Minneapolis

hello moms, iam a SAHM of 2 great kids..i am considering going back to school (college). i have never been, i only graduated high school. iam torn between two intere...


Legitimate Work from Home Companies

S.A. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, Has anyone worked from home for a legitimate company? There are so many companies out there and it's hard to tell who is legit and who's not. I am not int...


Are There Any REAL Work from Home/telecommuting Jobs???

L.R. asks from Fort Walton Beach

I am looking to make some extra income for my family. I want to work from home as to not put our daughter in Daycare. I also do NOT want to do sales of any kind. I ha...


Working from Home

S.L. asks from Madison

Does anyone know of any legitimate jobs that allow me to work from home? I'm just looking to make a few extra dollars and can work 10-20 hours a week. I was looking i...


Stepping Out on Faith.

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

They say that prayer changes things. If you are a true christian then I would love for you to pray for me. I am going to quit my job and go to school full time to bec...


Frustrated Only Hits the Surface!!!

N.R. asks from Chicago

Ok here it goes... In 2006 I completed a Medical Billing Course with the intention of one day being able to do this from home. After all that's one of the great grab...

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