makeup mirror

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Results 41-50 from 373 articles

My 5 Year Old Step Daughter Has Been Stealing from Me & My Own Daughter!!!...

M.E. asks from Chattanooga

I have 2 stepdaughters, a 5 year old and 7 year old, and also a daughter of my own who is 9. I have been with my stepdaughters dad for 4 years now, and we have lived ...


Beauty Tips

J.P. asks from Boise

I know that there are moms out there that can help me. I hope that this isn't too many questions in one post, but they are all inter-related. I have been feeling ve...


Getting Used to Short Hair

L.J. asks from Kansas City

I just recently had 6 inches cut off of my hair and I am still not sure it was a good idea, I know I have had the same dull hairstyle for many years and needed a chan...


JFF Do You Wear Make up Everyday?

S.F. asks from Utica

Whe I was a teenager I started to wear makeup everyday because I thought I needed it to look pretty. Then it became more of a habit and a daily routine sort of thing ...


JFF, What Makes You Feel Sexy?

R.D. asks from Richmond

I run around in jeans and a tshirt 90% of the time. My hair is unwashed and in a ponytail, no makeup, and I usually stink of an array of cleaning products... I'm usua...


Getting Ready in the Morning?

S.S. asks from San Francisco

Hey Moms, I was wondering what your morning routine is like. Having 2 boys it can be kind of hectic for me. It takes about 5-10 minutes to do hair and make-up and ...


My Baby Girl Is a BEAUTIFUL Mess!! How Do I Get Her to Care?

N.G. asks from Dallas

My precious, charming & very bright 8-year-old daughter is the absolute light of my life. But she's such a mess! It's like the girl has absolutely no self-awareness...


Itchy Red Blotches

J.G. asks from San Antonio

This past Friday I announced to my husband " I think there's a mosquito in the house." as I scratched my face. Looked in the mirror later and realized it is not a mos...


Tattooed Eyebrows?

A.G. asks from Houston

Everytime i get my eyebrows waxed they think i have them tattooed. This is how i learned about it. Apparantly it looks just like a liner, the liner i use is blonde co...


B-day Party

C.F. asks from Dallas

Ok...after looking into places to go I think I found a solution. I wasnt going to have it at home b/c of space....but Im going to have a family party on her real b-da...

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Answer Highlights

  • wear makeup every day in 2 answers "I wear makeup EVERY day. It makes me feel a million times better and reminds me that ..."
  • mary kay products in 2 answers "I use Mary Kay products only because I really love them."
  • act out to get attention in 2 answers "Kids from broken homes often act out to get attention, so get used to it, and start ..."
  • hair will grow back in 2 answers "Your hair will grow back L., but in the mean time HAVE fun with it."
  • lip gloss in 3 answers "... responses--all you need is a light base (think tinted moisturizer), lip gloss ..."