makeup brushes

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Results 71-80 from 214 articles

Thinking About Our Grandmas

T.N. asks from Albany

I thought about her today. She passed away about 10 years ago at the age of 92. I washed the bedding in the guest room as my oldest is coming home from college for a...


Yucky Hair

N.P. asks from Mobile

My 19m old son got into some petroleum jelly. He rubbed it all in his hair. I gave him a bath but it is still very greasy! Is there anything else I could use or is it...


Mascara & Blush Question

L.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, I had a baby girl 6 months ago. I have just finished going through the hair loss phase (in clumps). My skin is now breaking out. It only seems to be in t...


I Am Allergic to Eye Make Up

P.:. asks from Phoenix

I have tried many different kinds of mascara and eye shadow and within 2 hours of putting it on, I have an allergic reaction...watery eyes, scratchy, feels like a pie...


Strange Question for Beautician or Person with Medical Knowledge

S.D. asks from Phoenix

I was in a wedding back in February. While I was getting ready in the bathroom, one of the other bridesmaids came in and asked if I had any brown mascara. I said sure...


Losing Eyelashes.... Need Advice PLEASE!

K.H. asks from Dallas

Hello Mama's I recently have been losing a lot of eyelashes and I don't know what is causing it. I don't wear mascara very often, maybe like two times a week. I ...


How Do I Remove Glitter from My Baby's Head?

V.B. asks from Las Vegas

how do I remove glitter from my baby's head?


Best Powder Concealers?

E.C. asks from Burlington

Hi everyone - I'm looking for a really good powder concealer. I have pretty fair skin and some dark undereye circles that I need to hide (plus some blemishes too). ...


What Is Your Favorite Mascara for Dark Long Thick Lashes?

S.R. asks from Kansas City

Mine is Loreal Voluminous in "very black".

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