lose water weight

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Results 41-50 from 3,975 articles

Need to Lose Weight Fast but No Time

Y.W. asks from New York

I have four children, of whom three I birthed. I usually don't keep on weight but this time around I can't seem to lose anything. I am seriously thinking of eating ...


How Can I Help My Daughter Lose Weight?

A.R. asks from Washington DC

My 14 year old daughter weighs 188 pounds and is 5'5. How can I help her lose weight?


To Lose 40Lbd

T.C. asks from San Diego

Im breastfeeding & need to lose 40lbs, I know I can't cut calories because it affects my milk supply! What's the best approach? I have til September!


Is It Dangerous to Attempt to Lose Weight While Pregnant?

S.O. asks from Billings

I'm not attempting to lose weight while pregnant, but I have a friend who seems to be hell-bent on losing weight while pregnant (even though she doesn't actually verb...


Cannot Lose This Weight!

T.B. asks from San Antonio

I am so stressed about this wieght! I am 20lbs over and it has been a year since I had my 3rd baby. I am looking for proven ways to help get this off! I exercise up...


Lose Weight

D.J. asks from Scranton

I quit smoking and am steadily gaining, please advise on what to do, I'm useing relacor and that is not a help, I tryed just about everything short of starving!


Mirena Water Weight Gain

V.J. asks from Phoenix

I had a Mirena IUD placed in September 2008 and I was wondering if anyone else has had issues with gaining a lot of water weight while using it. After I had it placed...


Is One of Your New Years Resolutions to Lose Weight?

E.L. asks from Columbus

I would be interested to know how many women have made a New Years Resolution to Lose Weight? Also, if you have made this resolution previous years. If so, do you con...


Need to Lose Weight with Exercise

S.B. asks from Atlanta

Hello All Can anyone tell me a good workout that will help me lose about 50 pounds. I just joined a gym and I worked out everyday for 2 weeks, now I am getting the "...


Need to Lose Weight!

L.L. asks from Orlando

Hello :-) I have about 15lbs I need to lose. We eat out about 3-4 times per week. I know that's why I can't lose it! I start exercising regularly.... and I gain a...

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