lose water weight

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Results 21-30 from 3,975 articles

Hypothyroid and Can't Lose Weight

D.C. asks from Chicago

I found out my thyroid is underactive after my baby was born and I couldn't lose weight. I have been on Synthroid .5mg since November of last year now and my blood t...


How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

T.R. asks from Kalamazoo

I need help on how to lose weight while breastfeeding. I seemed to have hit a brick wall. The thing is that I am ALWAYS hungry! After I eat a HUGE meal (about 30 m...


Trying to Lose Weight

S.Z. asks from Detroit

Hi moms, I wanted to lose the weight I gained after my first pregnancy. I got 27 lbs. to lose. I am still breastfeeding my 16-month old child, I am trying to wean her...


Trying to Lose Weight While Nursing!

L.S. asks from Chicago

I still have 15lbs to lose of baby weight! I am trying to fit in workouts and eat sensibly. But, I freaked out when I read that if you lose more than 2lbs a week, m...


NEED To Lose Weight

L.S. asks from Grand Rapids

On Thursday this week I will be having a D&C for a second miscarriage this year. My Dr. has told me I need to lose some weight and that I won't have as many complicat...


Need to Lose Weight!!

N.J. asks from Knoxville

Ok ladies it's me again, this time I'm not asking about the kids but about myself. I really need to lose some weight, the baby is 10 months now so the 'just having a ...


Desperate to Lose Weight

H.D. asks from Jackson

I am 25 years old. My husband I have have been married for 2 1/2 years. We have a daughter that will be 1 at the end of March. I am overweight! I cannot blame the...


What Did You Do to Lose Weight That Worked.

C.G. asks from Dallas

I'm a SAHM to four beautiful girls ranging in 18 to 3 years old. I go to school full-time (mostly online) and have just recently begun struggling with my weight. Idea...


Help Me Lose Weight

C.H. asks from Denver

I was wondering if anyone had any good tips on shedding the baby weight. I gained a lot with both my pregnancies(like 40 lbs). With the first though it came off ver...


Have You Every Been Trying to Lose Weight And...

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

The last two weeks I have really buckled down to lose those "last 10 pounds" that I always complain about but do nothing to fix. I have been steadily losing about a ...

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Answer Highlights

  • rapid weight loss in 2 answers "Yep, I've heard that: "Rapid weight loss programs should be avoided because fat ..."
  • more than 2 lbs in 2 answers "I know I've lost more than 2 lbs a week at times, and I've seen no harm to my nursing ..."
  • your thyroid levels in 2 answers "Keep an eye on your thyroid levels and how your feeling."
  • weight watchers is the best in 2 answers "I asked my OB/GYN his advice and he said Weight Watchers is the best program out there."
  • la weight loss in 2 answers "I have recently started LA weight loss I have lost 20Lbs and I like it cause I eat ..."