Lite Candles

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Results 51-60 from 65 articles

Help for Housewarming

D.S. asks from Dallas

what type of snacks and drinks can I have for my housewarming. It is a 4 yr. fulfilled dream. I am inviting probably 200 guests as a come and go starting from 9am ti...


What Do You Remember the Most About Your Wedding Day?

P.P. asks from Chicago

I'm the mother of a bride to be.. (November wedding!!) looking for your ideas on offering support for my daughter and general wedding day advice for us! What do you r...


Frustrated and Disapointed...

L.G. asks from Rochester

Has anyone else out there experienced a lack of intimacy being 9 months along in pregnancy? I know it's common to have a decrease in libido for both mom and dad, but ...


1St Time Mom Seeking Birthday Advice

C.O. asks from St. Louis

Hello - My little stinker bug will turn "1" in February. What would be a good idea for a birthday party - is it silly to have something when he's this young? I ...


Angel Trees... Legitimate or Fraud?

J.F. asks from Fayetteville

Ok, I know I may be opening a can of worms here, but really I am asking because I am concerned and I do want to know. I have seen the angel tree cards for years and ...


Gift Ideas for the Holidays

K.O. asks from Portland

Please help. Every year during the holidays we end up spending a ton of money on gifts for extended family members. I enjoy giving gifts to others but the amount of ...


Ok Moms... Who Has Good Ideas?

I.M. asks from Houston

I want to ask what all of you do to spend time with your husband or significant other. What ideas do you have that doesn't take a lot of time and doesn't cost a lot?...


Seeking Advice on How to Be a Stay at Home Mom?

R.T. asks from Seattle

How do you do it? I have always worked and there was a couple of times where I did not work for a small amount of time and almost went nuts. I had my 3rd child 2 yea...


Slumber Party

T.S. asks from Dallas

My oldest daughter just turned 12 years old and is having a 4 girls over to celebrate her birthday. I've asked her several times what types of activities she would l...


Any Relief for Headaches? Help!!

C.B. asks from Boise

I am currently 10 weeks pregnant and am having bad headaches and migraines, I am seeking some advise or help with this issue. Does anyone know of any type of relief I...

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