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Results 41-50 from 459 articles

Question About Rights of Other Parent

C.A. asks from Houston

My ex has custody for now and he tries to manipulate me by using my babies. Our current agreement has the time for me to pick up my children is 6 pm. He has recentl...


What Does Child Support Cover

M.S. asks from Chicago

My husband and I are trying to do an uncontested divorce to try to cut down on laywer fees and divorce as cheeply as possible. He is required by law to give 32 perce...


My Neighbor's Kid Is Mean as H---!

A.R. asks from Greensboro

My neighbor has a 5 year old son who I suspects has some undiagnosed behavioral issues. When our family moved to the neighborhood 3 years ago there were behaviors su...


VBAC After 2 C-sections

J.S. asks from Sioux City

I was just curious how many moms have been able to do this. I delivered my first born via emergency c-section because his heart rate dropped. My second, was a sched...


Attorney Question

M.G. asks from San Francisco

I ended up with an attorney during the worst part of just giving birth and going through postpartum and now want different representation. I took this attorney becau...


Child Custody

S.M. asks from Philadelphia

My ex refuses to pay child support. We don't have a court ruling yet but we will soon. anyway, he has no expenses (live rent free), he pays for his cell phone, a fa...


Child Custody

C.S. asks from Raleigh

Me and my husband have had my stepson for almost 3 years now. His mother is now popping up trying to take him away. I have been told two seperate ways it would be ha...


Pulling Away After 25 Years of Craziness

G.S. asks from New York

I have been w/my dh for 25 yrs, married 20. His family seems to think he's the 2nd God of some type and to this day can't screw in a light bulb w/out him. His mother...


How Long Do I Have to Wait?

C.M. asks from New York

So I took the Corrections exam for the city of New York back in September 2010. I received a letter about 2 months ago with my score, as well as a # determining where...


Child Taken Away from Father

K.L. asks from Seattle

A few days ago I posted a request regarding my sister in law who fled to NY with her 3 year old son and left my brother in a deep pain. We are in our first steps to f...

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