kids bunk bed

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Results 71-80 from 1,145 articles

Toddler Bed or No?

R.S. asks from Sheboygan

My youngest is going to 1 next week. The problem is she no longer wants to be in her crib! She wants to do and be like her older siblings. I borrowed a toddler bed fr...


How was your experience with trundle bed?

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

Hi ladies :) My boys are (almost) 3 and 1. My nearly 3 year old is ready to transition into a twin sized bed. I am considering purchasing a twin with a trundle s...


Getting My Kids Out of My Bed

V.B. asks from Huntington

i have twin boys who are almost 3 and they have slept in bed with me since day problem is now that they are older im trying to get them in their own bed but it...


Are Your Kids Allowed to Jump on the Bed?

W.W. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 year old loves to jump on her bed and I keep telling her she is not allowed. She ends up closing the door and jumping on her bed until I catch her and make her ...


Getting Kids Out of My Bed

S.M. asks from Anniston

This is a little embarrasing for me. but I need advice on how to get my 11 yr old and my 4 yr old out of my bed. My husband sleeps in our sons bed. My 11 yr old is a...


Bed Wetting

A.R. asks from Atlanta

My 3 year old (will be 4 on 2/18)still wets the bed REGULARLY, even though I cut off dring at 7pm and make her go to the toilet before getting into bed and I take to ...


Toddler Bed

K.S. asks from Oklahoma City

I have a 17 month old son and was wondering how old he should be before switching him to a toddler bed. He sleeps anywhere from 10-12 hours a night in his baby bed b...


Toddler Bed?

S.E. asks from Dallas

I have a question for all of the more experienced moms out there. How old was your toddler when you went from a crib to a toddler bed? Also, after they were in a to...


Toddler in Own Bed.

S.S. asks from Pine Bluff

I have a toddler. He will be three next month and he is still sleeping with my husband and me. He has his own bed and when he tries to sleep in it, he will go to slee...

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