jobs medical coding

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Results 51-60 from 78 articles

SAHM Now Career

T.S. asks from Lima

I have 3 wonderful children ages 4, 2 and 1. My previous employer reduced my hours to 16 hours per week (4 days per week for 4 hour days). By the time I added childca...


Career Change

M.E. asks from Boca Raton

I'm looking to make a career change into the healthcare field but not sure what path to take? I would prefer something where the education is not too long and salary ...


Working from Home Recommendations

R.S. asks from Austin

Hello! I've been a stay at home mom for the past couple of years, I have another year to go before my little on is off to school. Things get a bit tight financially w...


Stuffing Envelopes? Work at Home?

S.S. asks from Portland

Does anybody know if there is real places that let you earn $$$ at home like stuffing envelopes? If so was it good pay or did you come out even after paying the posta...


Sanford Brown?

S. asks from St. Louis

Does anyone have any experiences with Sanford Brown? I am still looking into going back to school and this is one I was looking at. Please let me know if you have had...


Work at Home

A.C. asks from Chicago

does anyone know if there are any work at home offers that are legit? I have been laid off and have had some devastating health information for me and my daughter and...


Looking for a LEGIT Work from Home Job

T.S. asks from New York

Looking for a LEGIT work from home job. I will be home schooling my son soon and I want to find something that will allow me to be with him and work around his schedu...


Work from Home?

A.H. asks from Chicago

Are any of you moms making money doing work from home? I would love to pull in a little bit of income...I'm a sahm so I'm not looking for something full-time. Would ...


5226 Dollars for a Bloodtest

M.C. asks from Chicago

I just need to get this out of my system.I know healthcare costs are high,but that one I can't get over it.My son's doctor ordered a bloodtest to test my son's choles...


Work at Home

P.D. asks from Tallahassee

Does anyone know of a real good work at home job? I am so confused with all the things that are out there, they all want money. I would like to hear of a good work at...

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