japanese names for boys

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Results 61-70 from 80 articles

The Doll Test

A.C. asks from Boston

First off let me say that I am African-American and someone who wants to instill in my children a sense of racial pride. With that said the infamous doll test has alw...


What Was YOUR First Concert?

D.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Another question got me thinking...so what was YOUR first concert? How old were you? Did your parents go, too? What was the band/artist and where was it? Mi...


2 Year Old Daughter Interested in Really Learning Her Letters, Help With

E.F. asks from Chattanooga

HI! I am a mom of a 6 year old who is reading great for being in first grade, but my 2 year old who looks up to her brother and wants to do what he is doing all the t...


Help for My Teen-age Son with Bad Acne

E.B. asks from Chicago

My son is 15 1/2 and has broken out with a very bad case of acne. We were using pro-active but his face starting getting severly dry. I also started using the acne ...


17 Month Old Still Not Speaking

S.G. asks from Richmond

My 17 month daughter is still not speaking...she babbles off and on throughout the day - but does not talk. Any suggestions?


How to Raise Child with Global Perspective/appreciation

R.S. asks from Denver

So,we love our neighborhood and would like our daughter to attend the neighborhood school. One concern I have is the lack of diversity here. I was raised in a very ...


Conflicted and Confused. NEED Advice.

J.O. asks from Jacksonville

My husband and I have been married for 12 years this June. He does not hold a job. I realize that I do not love him anymore. We have two children (girls), and they lo...


Need Some Advice to Deal with Pregnancy Health Issues

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

I really need to vent out. It's about some health issues in first trimester.I am now 11 weeks pregnant and a lot of things have happened since I found out I am pregna...


Looking for Advice from San Antonio Moms

M.P. asks from San Antonio

Hello! Well we went to San Antonio this weekend and found some great areas, but I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice :) We are looking advice/help w...


Neighbor Issues.

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

Not sure in which category to place this under... I just need to vent and get some feedback. My 2.5 year old has a speech delay, and receiving Behavorial ABA ther...

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