ipod other

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Results 21-30 from 2,473 articles

Kids and the Ipod Nano

J.L. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, In this day and age I am doing my best to keep my kids ..kids and not mini adults. I don't believe in TV's in their rooms cell phones by the time they hi...


Question for iPod Users

B.W. asks from Chicago

I just bought a new iPod Nano and have no experience with one. Other than the Apple website, are there other places to download music? I am not looking for free dow...


Similar to iPod Touch?

S.F. asks from Madison

My 8 year old wants an iPod touch for Christmas. I have one and it is great, but I am not willing to buy such an expensive item for a child. Does anyone know of a c...


Daughter Had Ipod Stolen What Do I Do?

J.J. asks from College Station

My 11 year old dd had been saving for an ipod. Last Friday she finaly had enough money and bout an ipod touch. She took it to school to show her friends, (I had no i...


Case for Ipod Touch

G.♣. asks from Springfield

I'm looking for a good case for my son's IPod Touch. I'm wondering if there is something that is just as good (or almost as good) as Otterbox. He has a 4th generati...


How Do I Transfer Movies to My iPod ???

L.B. asks from Lima

I am wanting to take a couple of my favorite Disney movies and transfer them over to my iPod so my little one can watch while we are driving or out shopping. I can'...


Ipod but No Cell Phone? Worth It?

J.D. asks from Phoenix

My husband and I do not have a cell phone, we don't have cable, and we don't have any gaming system. We have wireless internet and a desktop computer. We do not want ...


Ipod Touch apps/songs...JFF!

K.L. asks from Des Moines

Ok mamas...My mom has to get us older kids(myself, hubby and sister) stuff for all holidays as well as my daughter. She got both my hubby and I an itunes card. So...n...


Great Songs for Working Out? What Is on Your Ipod?

A.D. asks from New York

The most common New Year's resolution :) I am looking for suggestions for motivating work out music. What do you mamas have on your ipod? I have to admit that ...


Silly Ipod Question

C.C. asks from Los Angeles

My cousin gave me her old Ipod b/c she got a newer one and it has a about 20 songs on it. Please keep in mind that I am dumb when it comes to this stuff, but is there...

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Answer Highlights

  • black eyed peas in 2 answers "I love party in the usa! Black eyed peas, Kesha, ting rings, B."
  • file a police report in 3 answers "Call the school, file a police report, if it happened on the bus, call the bus barn."
  • personally i think she is too young in 2 answers "Personally I think she is too young. My 13 yo doesnt'"
  • file the police report in 2 answers "I would file the police report and take a copy to the school so they know you are ..."
  • got an ipod touch in 2 answers "We have wireless internet so we got an ipod touch for the same reason."