gifts for new mom

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Mother's Day Gifts

S.J. asks from St. Louis

For those who give gifts for mother's day - what do you give your mother? What about your mother in law?


New Mom's - Favorite Food Gifts

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

So - I have 4 friends who are all having babies in the next two weeks! It's crazy! I like to bring a new Mom and family something to eat after baby comes... som...


Baby Shower Gifts

K.O. asks from Minneapolis

I'm going to a baby shower and would like to pass down some of my baby things for gifts instead of buying brand new items. Is this considered bad etiquette? Would you...


Should I Specify "No Gifts" for 1St Bday?

W.R. asks from Norfolk

We have very little family in the area, so we are inviting some close friends to celebrate our daughter's 1st birthday. I think we should say "no gifts" so people do...


Does Santa Wrap Gifts at Your House?

E.M. asks from Chicago

Another mom at playgroup mentioned that Santa doesn't wrap gifts at their house. Today I heard a DJs on a morning radio program say that Santa didn't wrap at his hous...


New Room Mom

J.L. asks from Detroit

Hello! I am very excited that I am room mom for my daughter's kindergarten class. I am new to all of this so I am looking for advice from moms who have experience b...


Baby Shower Hostess Gifts

M.T. asks from Oklahoma City

What are good/proper "thank you" gifts to give those who throw your baby shower for you? I need some good ides! :)


My Daughter Is Requesting a New Mom...... :(

S.E. asks from Sacramento

Recently my 7 year old wrote a letter to Santa. She wouldn't say what for but that she just had to ask him something. I told her not to put the letter in the mail wit...


Not Opening Gifts at Party

L.M. asks from Houston

We have been to birthday party after birthday party where the birthday boy/girl does not open the gifts at the party for everyone to watch. When and why did this star...


Do You Give Gifts by Amount or Cost?

M.D. asks from Washington DC

Just curious. Do you go for the bigger show on Christmas morning or for more quality gifts? I know growing up my mom made sure we all had the same amount of things to...

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