gift ideas for 16 year old

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Results 61-70 from 1,875 articles

Gift for Active 3 Year Old

L.M. asks from Minneapolis

My niece turns 3 in two weeks and I would love any/all suggestions of toys or other great gift ideas (ie. piano lessons). She is an extremely busy child with a 2 mont...


Gift Ideas for My 1 Year Old Son's Birthday

J.B. asks from Amarillo

I feel kinda stupid asking this question, but I have no idea what to get my soon to be 1 year old son for his birthday. My husband and I took him to Toys R Us on Sat...


Gift for a 15 Year Old New Big Sister??

M.T. asks from Chicago

We are visiting a friend really soon who just had her second child. She has a 15 year old daughter and we would like to bring her something as a "big sister" gift. A...


Ideas for a Gift for a 21 Year Old Nephew

M.J. asks from Minneapolis

he is "Gansta" oriented... well he isnt one but likes to act it. So I dont know what would be appropriate other than cash, to give him for his party. He was the one t...


Anniversary Gift Ideas

M.T. asks from Boston

My husband and I are about to celebrate our 6th anniversary. We don't typically exchange gifts, but I'd like to get him something special this year. Nothing too exp...


Looking for a Birthday Gift for 4 Year Old Girl

E.V. asks from Phoenix

Hi moms, can you help me finding a gift for a 4 year old girl? My budget is 20-30 dollars.thanks a lot...i don't know what's in for girl, because I only have a boy.


BDAY Gift Ideas for Husband Turning 50..

M.L. asks from San Francisco

Hello ladies.. need gift ideas... a little info.. hubby is not into sports.... so no gift ideas pertaining to that... he does not drink or party with his friends. he...


Quinceanera Gift Ideas

J.P. asks from Dallas

Our family has been invited to a quinceanera ceremony/party for one of our son's friends. We are looking for some gift suggestions for the event. Any advice would b...


Seeking Gift Ideas for Friend Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

D.H. asks from Dallas

I have a friend who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is having a mastectomy next week and I am looking for thoughtful gift ideas to provide for her over th...


Need Some Gift Ideas Please...

K.L. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 4 month old boy. I don't have a ton of room in my house and everything he has right now is bulky from the swing to the high chair to the exersaucer. Does a...

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Answer Highlights

  • movie tickets and a gift card in 2 answers "I agree - movie tickets and a gift card for dinner for the girl and a friend might ..."
  • littlest pet shop in 2 answers "arts and crafts polly pocket barbie littlest pet shop GC to Build a bear nail ..."
  • breast cancer survivor in 2 answers "I am a breast cancer survivor and my favorite gift that I received was the breast ..."
  • had a double mastectomy in 2 answers "I am a 7 year survivor and had a double mastectomy."
  • button down shirts in 2 answers "My Mom needed button down shirts that were easier to put on and take off after surgery ..."