fun gift

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Engagement Gift

T.H. asks from Topeka

One of my husbands friends just got engaged last week. We hang with this couple and I feel we need to get them something. His wife is not a girly girl so I am at a lo...


Hostess Gift

R.S. asks from Philadelphia

We're stayiing at a family friend's vacation house for a weekend. I won't see them, but would like to leave a gift as a thank you. I don't know them well, so alcohol...


Accept a Gift or Not?

R.V. asks from Spokane

Our oldest daughter is graduating high school this year. She got accepted to 3 great Colleges. Although she has her heart set on one of them, we had to make practical...


Birthday Gift

C.M. asks from New York

My son had his 1st bday party back in Feb. I invited 22 kids 20 showed up. Now its time for one of the two kids that didn't show up, to have his party. I will attend,...


Coach Gift

J.B. asks from Harrisburg

So I have been elected the "team mom" for my sons teeball team. As the season in quickly approching an end I wanted to reach out to this great source of women to reco...


Birthday Gift

E.D. asks from New York

My daugther 17 months old and I have been invited to a boy's 2nd birthday. I need some input into what is a good gift to get. I'm not sure what he already has and I k...


Anniversary Gift

M.G. asks from Kansas City

Hello Moms, My hubby and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary in September and we are taking a short trip to Las Vegas just to get away together. We do...


Birthday Gift

M.B. asks from Sacramento

Hello mamas- Okay any ideas for a 30th birthday gift for my dear friend. She loves kooky things, wine, having parties, has unusual hobbies but does not like any knic...


Gift Idea

G.P. asks from Minneapolis

I'm looking for a thank you gift idea for my in-laws who stayed with our kids while we were on vacation in Mexico. They already have so much. They are taking a tri...


Christening Gift?

C.D. asks from Dallas

My husband was invited to a Christening for the son of someone he once worked with. We have never been to such an event, and we are unsure if it is customary to brin...

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