family cell phone plans

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Results 41-50 from 1,191 articles

When Is It Time for a Cell Phone?

R.J. asks from Tampa

My son is 10.5 and has been asking for a phone for quite some time. This is a new territory for us, so we are struggling as how to handle it. Our situation is that...


What Age for Cell Phone?

C.W. asks from Washington DC

My 9 year old has started begging for a phone, claiming that all her friends have them (3rd grade) and bring them to school. My SIL said this is the norm for her age ...


Cell Phone Provider Recommendations

K.B. asks from Minneapolis

We are currently with T-Mobile and have been for many years. However my husband wants to upgrade his phone and we are trying to decide whether to stay with T-Mobile ...


Cell Phone and Friends for Young Teen Boys

K.B. asks from Seattle

My 13 year old boy has not once this year invited any of his friends home. I've asked him many times to ask someone over and even offered him $. I worry about his fr...


Ft Stewart Internet Service and Cell Phone Service

C.H. asks from Savannah

I am moving to Ft Stewart soon and want to know what internet and cell phone services are available at Ft Stewart. It seems that only Coastal is available for broadb...


Would You Drive 7 Hours One-way by Yourself with No Cell Phone?

L.D. asks from Minneapolis

Just curious. I was put in a work situation recently where my co-driver suddenly couldn't take the trip with me at the last minute. We had 20 people waiting for us to...


Phone Service - Land Line Phones vs Cell Phones

L.B. asks from Grand Rapids

What does everyone think about getting rid of land-line phones and just having cell phones? My husband threw this question out at me the other day and I couldn't thin...


Looking for a Good and Reasonably Priced Cell Phone Provider.....

E.H. asks from Dallas

I am looking for a good and affordable cell phone provider. I need as many minutes as possible for the least amount of money and a provider that is reliable. Please o...


Conflicted - Teen Son "NEEDS" Cell Phone - Lots of Questions

S.T. asks from Denver

Help. Need lots of insight. My almost 14 year old son desperately NEEDS a cell phone according to him.Please give me your insights as I'm very conflicted. He there ar...


Are We the Only Parents Saying No Cell Phone for Our 11 Year Old?

A.D. asks from Minneapolis

My 11 year old wants a cell phone for Christmas. DH and I are not in favor. We do not believe her to be responsible enough to have one, nor do we feel she has the nee...

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