family cell phone plans

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Results 21-30 from 1,191 articles

Cell Phone Package

D.T. asks from Dallas

I'm looking for a plan for my daughter and myself that is not too expensive or restricting. I'd love to hear from other moms who have found the best deal out there. ...


Best Cell Phone for a Tween

K.J. asks from Los Angeles

We're getting my 12 year old son his first cell phone in June and are attempting to weigh the pros and cons of prepaid vs family share with Verizon. Our deal breaker...


New Cell Phone Plan

J.A. asks from Omaha

I am looking to replace my cell phone and get a new plan, as the company I am with is merging and canceling all contracts soon. I use no more than 800- 1000 minutes p...


Cell Phone/smart Phone

V.M. asks from Cleveland

what doyou need or want in a cell phone? What do you have and do you like it? Looking to upgrade from my way way way basic flipphone. oh, ok, so I woudln't...


Phone or Not?

M.F. asks from Lincoln

Our son will be turning 12 next month and is really asking for a cell phone. He has started middle school this year, so of course we sort of saw this coming. The qu...


12 Yr Old and Cell Phone

L.M. asks from Phoenix

I am a foster mother to a 12 yr old girl and she is having a fit to have a cell phone. She says all of her friends have cell phones and she wants one also. I wanted t...


Cell Phone Cost for Family of 4

M.M. asks from Dallas

What is your average bill for cell phones for a family of 4? We pay 232.00 for 3 smartphones and 1 non-smartphone. That seems outrageous to me, so I was wondering if ...


Want Advice on Other Phone Services for Cell Phones

C.Z. asks from San Francisco

I am looking to change my cell phone Coverage from Metro PCS to something else. Yes Metro has no contract, and yes the phone plans are cheap, but the phones itself ar...


First Time Cell Phone User

J.M. asks from Austin

Now that my first child is going to preschool, I would like to get a cell phone in case the school would ever need to reach me when I am out. I plan to only use it m...


Am I the Last Person in US Without a Cell Phone?

L.D. asks from Minneapolis

Just curious. I tried the cell phone thing in 2007. In one year, I managed to use it for maybe 45 minutes. So I cancelled. Now that all the phone booths are gone, b...

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Answer Highlights

  • unlimited text and data in 2 answers "... what providers are available in your area but I have unlimited text and data ..."
  • hate cell phones in 3 answers "I actually hate cell phones and would prefer not to have one."
  • unlimited talk and text in 2 answers "We have family share with unlimited talk and text."
  • person will leave a message in 2 answers "If the call is important, the person will leave a message with my private [electronic ..."
  • 3 smart phones in 4 answers "AT&T....& we pay $275/month for 5 phones - 3 smart phones & 2 non-data phones."