dog breed

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Results 81-90 from 1,023 articles

Any Dog Trainers Out There?

L.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi moms, We acquired a Jack Russell/Yorkie mix two months ago -- he turns one year old this month. He was not a rescue; we got him from a lady on Craigslist who was...


Dog Question

C.Z. asks from Omaha

ok as you all know I am getting a puppy from BF. He will be a Weimaramer. Now I am going into like mini nesting mode. We pick him up Aug 11. I want to make sure I hav...


Arthritic Dog

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- Our 8 year old 80lb lab mix mutt has always had a problem leg. Since the day we got her in 2005 she's showed signs of being tired/ hurt in that leg...


Planning on Adding a New Addition to Family - but What Breed?

S.K. asks from South Bend

I finally have decided to adopt a new pet. I want to get a small-med size dog. I already have a labrador and 2 kids so nothing big. I have thought about jack russells...


Looking for a Good Small Dog......

J.M. asks from Tucson

I was wondering if anybody could tell me about a good small breed of dog. I have a son who is three and a fairly gentle kid especially for being three. I was thinking...


Looking for Small Breed Pup for My Loving Home

C.B. asks from Pittsburgh

I was wondering if there is anyone in the North Hills whose dog is having or has had puppies and is looking to give them away to a loving home. I am looking for some...


Getting a Dog for the First Time

E.T. asks from Dallas

We're planning on getting a dog for our kids soon. They've never had a pet (they're 6 and 3) so I think it's time because they've been really interested lately in do...


What Kind of Dog to Get...

L.T. asks from Dallas

I am ready to get my kids a dog and need some suggestions. I was really considering a English Bulldog. I know that they are pretty high maintence. Anyone have an...


Children Are Wanting a Dog

C.M. asks from Indianapolis

I have three children 14 yr old son and twin 8yr olds b/g. They are asking for a dog and have been for maybe a year. I really dont want the extra's that are involved ...


Tell Me What Kind of Dog I'm Looking For

B.C. asks from Dallas

We're thinking of MAYBE getting a second dog for my almost 10 year old daughter for either Christmas or her Jan. b-day. She is great with animals, loves dogs, trains ...

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Answer Highlights

  • tick borne illnesses in 2 answers "I'd absolutely second a blood test for tick-borne illnesses."
  • dog will be your responsibility in 2 answers "... intrest for awhile and then loose it and the dog will be your responsibility."
  • basset hound in 3 answers "I have a basset hound. She is loving, smart, laid back and friendly."
  • go to the humane society in 2 answers "If you are worried about training a puppy go to the humane society and adopt an older ..."
  • cocker spaniels in 3 answers "I am going to go against the group on one thing though...Cocker Spaniels."