diet journal

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Results 81-90 from 1,609 articles

Gestational Diabetes

K.M. asks from Norfolk

I was just diagnosed with gestational diabetes and I'm a little worried. This is my fourth child and I was fine with all the other the pregnancies. I am going to th...


Why Is It SO DANG Hard to Lose Weight???

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

Ugh. I'm so mad at myself. Just had 2 slices of pizza and an ice cream sandwich for lunch b/c the school I work at was having a picnic type thing for end of school ...



A.H. asks from Salt Lake City

K ladies i need some help!!! my bro-in-law just started this new diet thing where he is injecting himself with the hcg (or is it hgc??) hormone. i am thinking of star...


Seeking Advice on Gestational Diabetes

V.O. asks from Los Angeles

My sister is nine months pregnant and just got diagnosed with gestational diabetes. She's worried and scared to have to give herself shots and test herself every day....


Losing Weight

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

I am always on the go and want to lose weight. Keep in mind both boys have practice/ games 5 days out of the week. So the gym not too feasible. Looking into eating ri...


Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

J.B. asks from St. Louis

Have any mothers successfully lost weight while breastfeeding without drying up? What diet methods worked best? I have been exclusively breastfeeding for four months ...


Pink Patch

J.M. asks from Tucson

I was reading about a diet patch called the Pink Patch.....I was wondering if anybodys heard of it or used it....It sounds good but it's not hard to make an easy weig...


I Want to Lose Weight.

S.C. asks from Bismarck

I need help to lose weight. I try to go on a diet and it fails. I have started to lose weight and I am trying to excersise but it is hard. with three kids running aro...


Problems with Gas

S.C. asks from New York

My son is 9 weeks old and has lots of gas. It wouldn't be a problem but it interupts his sleep. He doesn't wake up but he doesn't rest as peacefully and neither do ...


Mother of 2 Little Ones Needs Help Dropping a Few Pounds!

B.S. asks from Shreveport

I need some help dropping about 15 pounds. I have a real problem with food. I think about food 24/7! When I'm finished eating, I'm going to the fridge to find somethi...

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