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Results 71-80 from 502 articles

Am I Being Unreasonable or Selfish???

D.S. asks from Detroit

Okay ladee's here goes, I've been having a problem with my hubby of 3 yrs helping out females he has no ties to, like his brother's ex girlfriend, some friend he met...


Friend's Son May Be Autistic--say Something or Not?

E.M. asks from Denver

My sister and I have a friend whose son has SEVERAL red flags for autism. Autism is something I know a lot about--I nannied for a boy (who was 2.5 at the time) an...


Husband and Wife W/ Different Ideas of Parenting

J.Z. asks from New York

Hi moms: I have a HUGE problem. I've asked for help about this before, but things have not improved. I hate my husband's parenting style. He gives our 3 year old E...


I'm Controllng but....hubby Is Organizationally Challenged.

J.G. asks from Chicago

As many of you know, I'm super organized. Hubby has always teased me that I have a plan to invade Russia somewhere in the office. I make lists, I organize thoughts, I...


Can I Divorce My In-laws?

J.L. asks from St. Cloud

Maybe I just need to vent, maybe I have a real question :P My husband's mother's side of the family are driving me bonkers. Just a couple weeks ago, my MIL and SIL ...


Inconsiderate Neighbors

K.C. asks from Wichita

(Please forgive any strange typing mistakes as I fractured my left pinky finger 2 weeks ago.) We live in a town house in an apartment complex (we have neighbors on e...


Advice Needed for Communicating with Husband Who Doesn't Want to Grow Up

A.B. asks from Amarillo

I am ~ 8 weeks pregnant and am needing some advice on the best way to handle my husbands behavior since finding out about my pregnancy. We are both very excited abou...


How to Delicately Give Advice to Husband

K.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hello! I posted on here yesterday about some arguments my husband and I are having. So we sat down last night and had a chat, and basically the problem is that he n...


Do You Have to Keep Track of Everything on the Calendar for Your Husband?

K.L. asks from Lafayette

I often feel as though I am the maid/personal assistant more than a wife. Part of it (and a story for another day) is that we don't do things as husband and wife (e....


How Do You Forgive Someone?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I saw another poster post something that struck me - she said "forgiveness is for you, not the person you are forgiving" - sorry I don't remember who so I cannot give...

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