children books

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Results 141-150 from 34,362 articles

Recommendations for Books on CD?

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

Our family takes a long road trip every summer (3,000+ miles over 2 weeks). A couple of years ago I picked up the book Marley (young reader version of Marley & Me) o...


Remember the Bunnicula Books?

A.B. asks from Naples

Anyone remember the Bunnicula kids' books from the 80's? They were about a family that has a dog and, i think, a cat. The family get a new pet, a bunny, and the other...


Good Books on Potty Training

V.B. asks from New York

Hi I have a 21 month old handsome little boy who I would love to start potty training. Last week at the sitters house my handsome little boy decided to pull down his...


Parenting books-Toddlers

Y.W. asks from Orlando

I'm looking for suggestions on good parenting books for toddlers. I am an avid reader and I'm always looking for resources to be a better parent to my 2 1/2 year old...


Potty Training Books

M.H. asks from Huntington

We plan to start potty training (a girl--our first) in a few months and are looking for a good book to read on the subject beforehand. Any suggestions for good potty...


Books on Potty Training

C.B. asks from Chicago

I have 18 month old boy/girl twins and I know they are not ready to potty train yet. But, as a first time mom, I have no idea what to look for as far as signs that t...


Seeking Educational Books

C.J. asks from McAllen

Hi, My daughter is 2 1/2 and I've been looking for books that educate her, besides colors and leters that she already knows. Have any of you moms come across a great ...


Parenting Books/ Styles

C.D. asks from St. Louis

What are the best books and/or parenting styles to help with a toddler that can be difficult? I have the book "Scream Free Parenting" but I would like to get another ...


Adoption Books and Agencies?

J.T. asks from Merced

Hi, My husband and I are contemplating adoption....specifically, international adoption. Does anyone have any good recommendations for books on adoption (especially...


Baby Books--Have You Started/finished Yours?

L.L. asks from New York

I am feeling so guilty over not having started my childrens baby books yet. They are 3.5 years and 1 year old. I was just looking through one of them tonight and th...

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