career development

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Results 11-20 from 852 articles

15 Yr Stay-at-home Mom Needs Resume Advice/help

I am a career consultant for an outplacement company working with displaced employees working to get back into the market every day. ...

Hard Time Finding Work

home based business in 2 answersI am still able to do my career full time .... did and now I have my BA in Child Development and a teaching credential and ...

Looking for Spanish Classes for Toddlers

... a stay at home mom I was a teacher and have spent my entire career in the classroom or studying education. My major in college was child development. ...

Going Back to School?

I have come to the realization that, unless I get a degree, I will not get any further in my career. I am weighing the options of quitting my job and going ...

Need a Part-time or Homebased Profession!

You can build a real career at Arbonne working part-time (I work 10-15 hours per week) on the hours you choose. I knew before I had children that I wanted ...

New Stay at Home Mom

I also left my job less than a year ago At first I was heavily preoccupied about my career and next steps including when I would go back to work and then ...

Seeking Moms and Their Kids to Play!

Your message caught my attn bcus I too worked for the Music Industry (EMI) before moving down here to pursue a new career in Interior Design (presently in ...

Advice on Family, Moving Issues

I agree with others to focus on the positive aspects of an exciting start to your husband's longearned career posttraining AND to discuss goegraphic areas ...

Working or Stay at Home

Aug 25, 2009 ... Dont get me wrong I am educated My career also does not support part time work and I .... Putting Career on Hold Temporarily or Permanently ...

Mom Needing Some Comfort

I have a bit of a hard time relating because I married a warrior type who was already in the career when I met himArmy and law enforcement The girlfriend he ...
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Answer Highlights

  • your feelings into consideration in 2 answers "... to the strong need you have for this and take your feelings into consideration."
  • considered a full time student in 2 answers "... you need to take about 3 classes at a time to be considered a full time student ..."
  • will answer your prayers in 2 answers "God WILL take care of you. God will answer your prayers - just not always the way ..."
  • make your own schedule in 2 answers "... for his school stuff plus I have a 2 year old. You make your own schedule ..."
  • west palm beach in 2 answers "There is so much to do in the West Palm Beach area & gas prices so high we are going ..."