by week pregnancy diet

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Doing the HCG Diet -- Need Some Encouragement

P.:. asks from Phoenix

Hi Mamas! It's the end of my second day of the HCG diet, 5th day of the HCG, 2nd day of the low cal diet. I am very fatigued and am struggling to make it to the 500 ...


Seeking Help with My Diet

V.M. asks from New York

I'm pregant with my fourth child and am seious about breastfeeding this one. My ob has just put me on a high protien, low fat, low charbohydrates diet. Please help me...


***Know of a Good Diet Pill

A.D. asks from Atlanta

Need recommendations for a good diet pill that does NOT speed your heart rate up nor interrupt your sleep patters. Looking to lose about 15 pounds by May. I am tryin...


Looking for a Great Diet Pill

J.T. asks from Saginaw

I just had my first child he is two months old and while I was pregnant I ate alot, I gained 110 lbs. I have lost 35 so far but I have been eating good and exercisin...


Question About Diet & Exercise

L.M. asks from Orlando

Why is it so hard!?!? I've been exercising 3-5 time per week consistently for the past 4 weeks (this week is week 5) - 1st 3 weeks I did not lose a pound. I didn'...


Diabetes Diet and Pregnancy

Y.B. asks from Seattle

I just got my test results back from my glucose test that I did the other day. Even though I don't have gestational diabetes I am on the high end of normal. My midw...


Looking for a Good "Diet Pill"

K.O. asks from Fort Collins

I have done some research on the internet for a good diet pill. I currently workout on a daily basis, mixing cardio and weights. I am eating right and gearing towar...


Seeking Diet That Works

D.B. asks from Chicago

Hi tho all the moms, I'm desperate! I need a healthy diet that works. I don't believe in quick weightloss since you only pick everything up in no time! I love g...


HGC Diet Has Anyone Tried It??

J.M. asks from Kansas City

I have a friend who is going to start this diet tomorrow, where you put so many drops of hgc under your tounge and eat only 500 calories while doing it. The girl who ...


Pregnancy Concerns

S.S. asks from Seattle

I was just curious about having diarhea during pregnancy. Is it bad. Should I go to the doctor and get checked out?

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