by week pregnancy diet

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Thoughts on the HCG Diet..

N.P. asks from Salt Lake City

Anyone had experience with the HCG diet? How did you like it? Side effects? Risks? In between having children??


Gestational Diabetes Diet Ideas

L.K. asks from Detroit

I found out yesterday that I have GD. I'm 30 weeks and leaving to go out of town this evening. I can't get in to see dietician until late next week. I seem to be find...


Diet Pill Advice

L.B. asks from Reno

Hello, I've tried every diet known to man...can't stick to it, can't lose weight. I'm wondering if anyone out there has had any luck with diet pills. I am going to...


Breastfeeding with Low Calorie Diet

S.A. asks from Binghamton

Hello, I have gestational diabetes and the nutritionist and doctor have me on an 1800 calorie diet because I am also overweight. Luckily I am able to control the dia...


Diet & Weight-loss

S.W. asks from Atlanta

I had my baby 6 months ago. I need help for loss some weight. Please someone recommend a good diet.


Seeking a DIET That Really Works!!

J.A. asks from Boston

Hello, I need help I am in need to do a diet, but every diet that I try I can not stick to it. I either get sick of the food or it is just really hard. I am a stay...


Low Carb/no Carb Diet

M.L. asks from Portland

hey mamas! I recently cut out all bread/pasta/grains from my diet (also known as the low carb or no carb diet) and i just wanna say i feel GREAT already!! anyways ...


Gestational Diabetes Diet

M.F. asks from Phoenix

For those of you who had gestational diabetes, what was your altered diet like? I go in for diabetic counseling next week to discuss diet with our nurse practitioner...


Is It Late to Start a Prenatal Multivitamin in 6Th Week of Pregnancy?

G.C. asks from Los Angeles

I have been taking regular multivitamins prior to discovering that I was pregnant (discovered in 4th week). In 5th week I started taking 2 Flintstones chewable multiv...


Diet Pill Help

S.A. asks from Dallas

I am a mother of a beautiful 13 year old daughter and handsome 10 year old son. I am divorced and recently engaged to an amazing man. We got pregnant a couple month...

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