bunk beds with desk

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Results 31-40 from 98 articles

Do Kids Need a Space for Friends to Sleep Over?

A.K. asks from New York

My DD is 4 and is soon to be one of 3 kids. We have a large house, where every child will have his/her own room. My husband seems to think that we should still get he...


Kids Sharing Room

M.H. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mamas, I have two questions, please help! I'm expecting a little boy in September and he will be sharing a room with my 3 1/2 year old step-daughter. I n...


Get Ready for Lots of Me Bothering Yall!

A.G. asks from Houston

yes i said "Yall" :) Just a quick query. If you had a 3 bedroom house one daughter in each bedroom then found yourself newly pregnant......how would you divvy up t...


When to Get Rid of the Loft Bed?

C.M. asks from Chicago

My 11-year old has a very small bedroom, so we got her a loft bed so she could have more room. Right now she has her play area under the bed, but I'm sure that soon h...


Is It Ok to Let Siblings Share a Bed?

J.A. asks from Indianapolis

DD 1 is 20 months. DD2 is 8 months old. They have quickly become best friends and really enjoy each other's company. I had planned on buying separate toddler beds for...


Loft Bed with Slide for Toddler?

S.H. asks from Washington DC

Has anyone bought one of these low loft beds with a slide for a young child (ours are 5 and almost 3)? Do you feel they are safe? Any problems I should consider? Thanks!


How Would You Handle?

A.M. asks from Boise

So I am with someone & we both have 1 kid each from previous marriage along with 1 toddler together. Our 2 older kids are same age, 5 weeks apart, a boy & girl. So he...


Sharing Rooms

A.L. asks from Chicago

Just looking for opinions and maybe this is my story type advice. I have 2 girls a 9 yr old (10 in June) and a 2 year old (3 in April) and we have a 3 bedroom hous...


Selling My House...., I Think

D.W. asks from Dallas

OK moms, especially those of you in real estate- I am at a total loss. I called the sister of an acquaintance to come and look at my house as we are wanting to sell ...


Suggestions for Room Arrangements for 2 Children

M.S. asks from Washington DC

We have a 2.5yr old and another one on the way in early Aug, by which point the 2.5 yr old will be almost 3. He is currently in a toddler bed but slowly growing out o...

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Answer Highlights

  • combine the study and guest room in 2 answers "I would some how combine the study and guest room and give the new baby their own ..."
  • desk under the loft in 2 answers "I think a desk under the loft sounds like a wonderful idea, if there's no other place ..."
  • their own beds in 5 answers "Most nights they stayed in their own beds."
  • strain on your relationship in 2 answers "... of the kids too early and put more stress and strain on your relationship ..."
  • bunk beds in 5 answers "I would consider bunk beds with the large mattress on bottom."