breastfeeding child

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Sex While Breastfeeding

M.G. asks from Detroit

Okay this may be a personal question but I need some input. Before I got pregnant I used to be sexually active. During my pregnancy there was a lack of sex cause my h...


Post Breastfeeding

M.K. asks from Boston

I stopped exclusively breastfeeding about 3 months ago. My son is almost 7 months old and I haven't gotten my period yet. Excuse me if I'm getting too personal but ...


Weight After Breastfeeding

S.M. asks from San Diego

Hi, I am about to stop breastfeeding after 1 year. I'm excited to stop but sad too as I will miss that extra snuggle time with DD. Anyway, I actually lost a lot of we...


Breastfeeding and Fertility

E.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, My daughter is almost one. She nurses 3 times a day. I have not yet gotten my period. My husband and I would like a sibling close in age for our daughter. S...


Breastfeeding and Slimfast

R.R. asks from Springfield

I was wondering if anyone knows about drinking Slimfast while breastfeeding. I only drink it once a day. I was just worried about the ingredients and stuff. I want...


Period After Breastfeeding

M.K. asks from Charleston

When did you get your first period after you stopped breastfeeding? I breastfeed my baby exclusively for the first 5-6 months and he is now 7 months old and I still h...


Breastfeeding Problems

M.D. asks from New York

Hi, I have a 6 1/2 month old baby who is not to crazy about breastfeeding and I really want her to breastfeed more than to have formula. On top of the fact that I th...


Bactrim and Breastfeeding

M.L. asks from Dallas

I have a lesion on my left arm and is badly infected. The doctor thinks I have MRSA and prescribed bactrim. She said it is safe for breastfeeding. My son is 10 wee...


Breastfeeding Doubts???

M.Z. asks from Eugene

i currently was prebscribed a medicine called "zoloft" i have my doubts since im breastfeeding its for depression and i am horrified it will go through my milk and i...


Breastfeeding Question

M.L. asks from Austin

Hi Ladies, I'm breastfeeding my 2nd child....didn't do so well with my first baby....couldn't take the pain. So with my 2nd I told myself that I was gonna tough it ...

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