both happy and sad

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Sad over Not Having a Girl

A.D. asks from Portland

I have one boy and just found out that I’m having another. My limit is two kids—I don’t have the stamina or money for more. And I A. bereft that I don’t get t...


Making Yourself Happy- or Overused Sentiment?

S.H. asks from Honolulu

I am venting.... and also wondering: .. So, so often, myself included... the saying goes that you are responsible for making yourself happy. Sure. La-dee-da. ...


Sad and Frustrated

D.R. asks from New York

I just wanted to cry today, my son is 35 months old and will not leave any activity I ask him to. Today I took him to the park to play with his friend "J", I told him...


Happy They Exist?

K.M. asks from Dallas

Hi everyone. I consider myself to have a good Marriage. I am, however, realizing that marriages take soooooooo much work. Rather than living your own life I've notice...


Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

S.R. asks from Kansas City

I know some people think the day of love is over rated but I just wanted to wish everyone a happy day! And even if you are not in a relationship go out with friends ...


Very Sad Week

S.S. asks from Chicago

I don't really have a question except to ask that anyone who does to please pray for our family and the family members affected by this week. Last saturday night...


What Is Wrong with Saying "Happy Holidays"?

M.R. asks from Dallas

I have seen alot of Facebook posts about "bring back Merry Christmas" and the like but really what is wrong with Happy Holidays? There are alot of holidays this time ...


Have You Seen This?? So Sad!!

B.C. asks from Dallas

Just saw this on facebook with a friend saying that this is the reason that this is the reason kids need spankings. I could only make it through about 4 minutes of be...


Told My Husband Happy Anniversary Then...

J.V. asks from Las Vegas

I know I've asked if I should say happy anniversay to husband since this whole thing started. A lot of you said go for it. So I did and I had the message sent at midn...


Too Sad Too Much

A.S. asks from El Paso not sure how this works or if anyone will even a 26 yr old single mama & lately i have just been so damn depressed and i feel like i am going to ...

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