blu ray dvd player

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Results 11-20 from 44 articles

Can I Reuse Dvds

S.S. asks from Minneapolis

We have several DVDs that we burned with our old DVD recorder (which has since broken). We didn't know at the time that anything recorded needed to be "finalized" bef...


Wii or Playstation 3??

L.F. asks from Kansas City

My children are getting older and we are considering purchasing a gaming system for Christmas for our family so I'm trying to research them now that way I can know ho...


Saving Money on TV

P.D. asks from Missoula

I am trying to save money on our satellite bill. After some research I ran across something called Roku. Does anyone use it? I have several questions that I can't ...


Help Me Ditch the VCR Tapes

T.G. asks from El Paso

I need to declutter my house! I have tons of video tapes that my kids still watch. I need to know how to transfer videos to DVD's? Also what about scratched DVD's? ...


Need Help with Scratched Dvds

S.S. asks from Yuba City

Hello. My destructo 3 year old has scratched just about every good DVD we have for him. I was wondering if any of you ladies have tried any type of DVD repair for scr...


Does Anyone Still Use VHS Tapes or Dvds?

R.D. asks from Richmond

Our house is very small... and we have SO much stuff. I was seriously thinking of getting rid of all of our VHS tapes and DVDs, as well as the VHS player and DVD play...


Holiday Conundrums - Gifting

V.W. asks from Jacksonville

Well, we are rapidly approaching that time again, where as the mom we have to figure out what gifts will make the short list. My head hurts from trying to figure it ...


tV/Smart Tv/roku Et Al.... Ugh, Help!

V.W. asks from Jacksonville

Alright ladies, I am struggling trying to figure out what I want to get. I know some of you out there are familiar with some of these things and was hoping you co...


Game System for 10 and 15 Yr Old Boys

B.R. asks from Milwaukee

The boys have a ps2, but it's definitely had it's use and time to replace it. I say we should get them a wii. Husband says xbox 360, but then we talked to a sales r...


What Do I Need to Know to Buy a Tv? - Where Have You Seen a Great Sale?

T.K. asks from Dallas

Superbowl brings tvs on sale. I want a new tv. Mine is 20 yrs old, bought used from a pawn shop. You can't even hook a dvd player to it! ha! I have scrimped and ...

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Answer Highlights

  • can check out books from the library in 2 answers "... for I only wanted mine for reading. I can check out books from the library ..."
  • more kid friendly games in 2 answers "Nintendo has more kid friendly games."
  • blue ray player in 2 answers "I did want to tell you though, that for Christmas I got a blue-ray player with WiFi."
  • other gaming systems in 2 answers "The technology is amazing and YEARS ahead of the other gaming systems."
  • guitar hero in 6 answers "... 5 year old loves it...lots of giggling... We also got the guitar hero ..."