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Results 41-50 from 516 articles

Getting That Musty Smell Out of My Bath Towels

N.O. asks from Detroit

Maybe someone can help me out.... It never fails, I buy bath towels and after a few several times of using them, they get stinky. It's a musty type smell and I do...


Hydroquinone and Breastfeeding: Help

S.Z. asks from Detroit

hi moms! I need your opinion especially those who have tried doing it. I am planning to apply bleaching cream with 2% hydroquinone on my leg scars. but the products s...


Getting Sticky Stuff off Clothes

A.H. asks from Chicago

I went to a function not long ago where everyone was given those basic paper label name tags to wear. I don't know whether it's because my 8-month-old decided it loo...


Worried - Friends' Daughter Has MRSA and Played with My Kids

S.S. asks from Providence

Our good friends' 2 year-old daughter ("Mya") has been struggling with recurrent MRSA infections for over a year. Her most recent outbreak landed her in the hospital ...


Some Very Unimportant and Boring Questions!

L.M. asks from New York

Hi ladies. I don't know why but some really dumb questions are on my mind. And I just want to know how I compare to everyone else on these issues. 1. How often do yo...


HELP! PCOS Side Effects Are Driving Me Nuts!

C.S. asks from Rochester

Hello Ladies - I need your help. My husband and I have been trying on and off to have our first baby for about 1.5 years, and so far all I've had is 3 miscarriages...


A "Crappy" Subject....

L.D. asks from Pittsburgh

My 6 year old daughter has best friend who often comes to our house to play. We love having her over since my daughter is an only child, and there is only so many Ba...


Frustrated at Daycare Mom! Venting.

B.C. asks from Dallas

I watch 4 kids from my home. I have done this for 3 years. I have always had the same policy as far as illness is concerned. You must be symptom and fever free for 24...


Pre-teen Acne and Facial Hair

A.T. asks from Chicago

My boyfriend's daughter will be 12 next month. She has a few issues that I'm unable to help her with, as I never had them growing up. She has a lot of acne, particu...


Really?? C- Diff??

... asks from Los Angeles

Hi, Please bare with me. If I am all over the place I am sorry I am in a state of panic. My mom and dad just recently moved into my home ( my dad lost his job 7 m...

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