birth control side effects

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Birth Control Advice

N.H. asks from Chattanooga

I am a SAHM to two little boys under two, and I want to start some type of birth control because I can't handle any new addittions at this time ;) Anyway, I was on t...


Breast Feeding and Birth Control

L.W. asks from Las Vegas

I wanted to know if anyone knows what kind of birth control is safe to use while you breastfeed? I know that there is a certain pill that is safe to take while nursi...


Mirena - Depression, Loss of Libido, Out of Character...Side Effects?

R.N. asks from Phoenix

How many of you out there have suffered from these side effects of Mirena? Depression, Fatigue, Loss of Libido, Concentration Problems, Acne I did read the warn...


Birth Control Options

S.J. asks from Madison

Hello - I had the Mirena IUD placed two weeks ago and am having enough side effects to want it out. I haven't stopped heavy spotting, my hips and lower back are quit...


Mirena Birth Control

R.E. asks from Los Angeles

Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has been on, or tried Mirena birth control. It is a small plastic thing they insert into your uterus and it's effective for 5 y...


Birth Control Options

D.K. asks from Harrisburg

Hi, Moms. I'm looking for some suggestions about birth control. My husband and I are looking for a non-hormonal and non-abortifacient (sp?) method of birth control....


Birth Control Pill

J.C. asks from Boston

Hi, Does anyone have any experience with the GENERIC form of birth control pills? Specifically, for Alesse? I took Alesse for years and loved it, but now it has be...


Birth Control While Nursing

L.R. asks from Denver

I have a 5 week old daughter which I am nursing. I am trying to decide on a birth control method that will be safe to use. I am trying to decide between the Mini-Pi...


Mirena Birth Control

A.E. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, I just gave birth to my 3rd son 5 weeks ago, and I'm trying to figure out what kind of birth control I want to use. I would like to know if any of you us...


Birth Control

Y.I. asks from Dallas

What is a good birth control to use with the least amount of side effects. About how much do they cost now a days? Lonie

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