best toys toddlers

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Bath Tub Toys

J.L. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is turning 2 and I would like to get her some new bath tub toys for her birthday. She can't use anything with the tub crayons because we have black tile e...


Strong Willed Toddlers

S.S. asks from Nashville

I should probably now how to handle this, since I work with children, but your own can be very different. My question is about discipline. What have the moms out ther...


How Many Toys Should a 3Yr Old Have?

M.C. asks from Indianapolis

Now that Christmas is over I'm wondering if my daughter has too many toys? Her dad seems to think she has too much. Overall I completely restocked her toys. I got rid...


Toddlers Sitting Still

K.L. asks from Savannah

How old were your toddlers when they were able to sit still for a good amount of time? We have such a hard time with our 14 month old son in church and going to stor...


How Do You Handle Tantrums in Young Toddlers?

K.U. asks from Dallas

I have 21 month old boy/girl twins (also a 7 year old boy) who a few months ago started really testing us. What do you do when your young toddler has a tantrum? I hon...


Toys for 18 Month Old

B.B. asks from Davenport

Does anyone know of attention holding toys for 18 month olds? My daughter does not seem to be interested in ANY of her toys (and she is not lacking too much). She lik...


Toys and Attention Span

S.R. asks from Phoenix

My husband thinks it is a good idea to take our 2.5 year olds toys out of the family room and into another room. He wants our son to focus on one toy and then ask to...


Toys for Christmas List

C.P. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have suggestions for good educational toys I can put on my daughters Christmas list? She just turned 1 and I'm hoping to find things that will be good un...


Toys for 12 Month Old

K.N. asks from Minneapolis

I have been asked to make a Christmas list for my daughter who by the time Christmas comes along will be 12 months. I am looking for ideas ... maybe your child had a ...


Dallas Store Selling Wooden Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers

D.K. asks from Dallas

Hello everyone! Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas weekend. I have been searching for good wooden toys, especially cars and building blocks for my 2 year ol...

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Answer Highlights

  • busy ball popper in 5 answers "... months this summer and a few gifts they really liked were the Busy Ball Popper ..."
  • busy ball popper in 2 answers "The one thing nobody mentioned is the Busy Ball Popper from PlaySkool."
  • by leap frog in 2 answers "Hi C P, The Leapster by Leap Frog is great toy!"
  • oldest sons first birthday in 2 answers "But I can tell you two toys that we got around my oldest son's first birthday that ..."
  • toy cell phone in 3 answers "I know that she will be getting a few Little People sets and a toy cell phone."