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Results 71-80 from 156 articles

Question for Sahm's

D.J. asks from Atlanta

I was at my kid field day having a coversation with another parent and she asked me where did I work. I told her that I didnt, that I was a SAHM. She says, so what do...


Is This Wedding Possible?

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

So as many of you know I just recently got engaged, and my fiance and I are in the process of looking for a house. Our original plan was that we were going to have a ...


Financial Freedom in Marriage

R.R. asks from San Francisco

In a marriage where both partners work, what is the best way to manage money? Put it in joint account, joint and separate, or just separate and share expenses? If th...


Have You Ever Been Completely Broke?

L.A. asks from Austin

The question about the husband having to share a hotel room with a couple, brought up memories of being completely broke. Broke meaning $5. to last 5 days until p...


Need Suggestions for Long Car Trip down South

L.A. asks from San Francisco

I am planning on taking my 2, 4 and 5 year old on a long (12+ hours) car trip down south. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep them occupied in the car so...


Crafty Moms!

O.L. asks from Los Angeles

To all of you crafty moms out there, I could use some advice! I have a 5 year old son who loves different projects. I like to give him activities that he can do by hi...


Toys for 18 Month Old

B.B. asks from Davenport

Does anyone know of attention holding toys for 18 month olds? My daughter does not seem to be interested in ANY of her toys (and she is not lacking too much). She lik...


What Are Toddler Years "Must-haves"?

P.M. asks from Denver

My son is 15 months old, and I'm quickly realizing we seem to suddenly need all new stuff. No more baby! New car seat, new toys, etc. I bought way too much stuff for ...


My Kids Don't Really NEED Anything--what Can Their Uncles Get Them for Christmas

X.O. asks from Chicago

My kids are well provided for, and really don't have the need for more toys, books, video games or even clothes. Yet, obviously, my siblings and my parents are askin...


We're Broke

C.B. asks from Kansas City

OKAY so we just bought a car, and had to hurt ourselves financially to come up with a down payment...long story short, now my husband's boss is out of town and has le...

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