bad influences

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Results 91-100 from 933 articles

Nursing to Sleep

L.L. asks from Boston

Hi there- I've gotten in to the bad habit of nursing my 7 1/2 mo old daughter to sleep at night and for her naps- during the holidays, while we were traveling, it was...


Help, My 5 Year Old "Hates Me".....

A.E. asks from Boston

Hi, I am a 40 year old stay at home mom with a very spirited 5 year old girl and a 3 year old girl. I never had a problem with the "terrible 2's", rather the "fierce...


Problem with the Ex's New Wife

J.G. asks from Oklahoma City

First off I have never gotten along with my ex husband's wife. No matter how hard I try to be nice the woman gets under my skin. My daughter is beginning to lose her ...


Gifted Child HELP

S.H. asks from Los Angeles

Hi everyone, My 2.5 year old daughter has been recognized as a "gifted child." I knew she was really smart, she speaks 3 languages already, but I guess this puts ...


Need Advice on Doing the Right Thing

T.H. asks from Decatur

I have been having alot of family issues about my daughter.There is not a short way to say this.My mother never took very good care of me as a child and I will even s...


Who Finds the Term Redneck Offensive and Why and Why Do You Consider It a Slur

D.S. asks from Houston

there have been several redneck questions posted lately. and some people consider redneck a slur and some think the word is racist. my question is i am a redneck and ...


My Nine Year Old Is Scared to Sleep Alone

K.W. asks from Atlanta

My daughter had something very bad happen a couple of years ago. She was so brave and it did not seem to bother her well all of a sudden she is being bothered with wh...


Fatherless Son

D.M. asks from Shreveport

I need some advice on how to comfort my son when he gets down about his dad not being around. My youngest son has his dad around and his dad trys to be there for my ...


18 Year Old Daughter Still in High School

R.W. asks from Cleveland

I have a daughter who is still living at home. She is 18 years old and a senior at High School. We support her financially. She has a Part time job. She feels she ...


3 Month Loves the TV ?!?

K.S. asks from Chicago

Hello. Over the past 2 weeks, my 3 month old has discovered the TV which has been keeping her attention. We are in a small space and have a large TV so it is hard t...

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Answer Highlights

  • absolutely doing the right thing in 2 answers "You are absolutely doing the right thing, your child does not need to be raised in ..."
  • redneck is not a race in 2 answers "... anyone who thinks redneck is a racist term is ignorant. Redneck is not a race."
  • 3 year old watches in 2 answers "... a lot more than the TV will ;)(also I am not against 3 year old watches ..."
  • big brothers program in 2 answers "Have you ever thought about getting him into the Big Brothers program?"
  • al anon in 2 answers "I suggest you try Al-Anon to find your own answer."